070 - Going home

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I am standing near the busses ticking off names as we wait for everyone in the class to get back to it. I am only missing the four girls and a couple of heads. Typical for me to end up being the only one working and Ahri taking her sweet time to do her own thing.

I count a couple more as the four finally reach the bus, "Thank you for taking your sweet time," I breathe out.

Evelynn says, "We sit in the front, doesn't matter if we take ten minutes longer than the rest to get on."

"It does help knowing if everyone is here," I then look at Ahri, "And that I am not the only one doing the work."

She winks at me, "Doing my best, sir!"

I mark the four quickly and help them pack their bags in the luggage area, we have run out of space because a lot of people ended up buying a lot more things than I expected them to. So a lot of the bags are going to have to go between our feet.

Akali then grabs my wrist placing something in my hand, "Our little goodbye present from this place."

Ahri then asks, "Oh, what did you get?"

I open my palms to see a guitar pick with a symbol engraved into it and at the back of it my initial, there is a small hole with a chain around it meaning I can use this around my neck or wrist.

She then shows me, "You can even unhook the pick if you need it."

I chuckle, "Thanks, I appreciate the gesture."

Kai'Sa smiles at me, "The only thing I could think of that won't look too girly on you," she reveals that she got an assortment of bracelets, she kind of went overboard with it.

Ahri reveals a locket, Akali a ring, and Evelynn shows a necklace.

"These look crazy expensive," I remark.

"Most of them were pretty cheap," Kai'Sa says, "It isn't like most of them are going to be gold, it is more of a keepsake than something we will wear everywhere."

Evelynn states, "After we all bonded, we should get in before they leave without us."

I nod and we all head to the bus. I climb in only to see everyone has claimed their place, Akali and Kai'Sa look pretty snug already as if they are going to spend the entire trip falling asleep. We have like a month of winter left, I am just ready for it to get warmer.

I climb in next to Evelynn who has stolen Ahri's place after counting the head one more time and saying we are good to go. We leave first for a change.

I then smile at her, "Feeling like sitting in front?"

She says, "Those two in the back really get sleepy and Ahri likes being used as a pillow much more than me," she states, then glancing out of the window, "Rather just sit in front."

I nod, I twist the little trinket around my wrist and lean back into the chair, "Did you sleep at all?"

She groans, "No... after those two came home the entire room thought it was a perfect idea to keep us awake till just a couple of moments ago - I got in like an hour's sleep so don't expect any of them being social."

"Explains why you came to sit in front."

She rolls her eyes, "Not happening."

I pat my thighs, "Sure you aren't going to end up falling asleep against me? I tried leading against a bus's window. It isn't fun if we start going on bumpy roads."


"Alright, I'll remember that."

"Please, as if you'd pass up on that."

I then scoot away from her, "Not letting it happen."

"I really don't care," she breathes out.

"As you've said."

We grow silent, I glance behind me to see that Akali has snuggled up to Kai'Sa and is fast asleep, Kai'Sa has her headphone in her head listening to music, she notices my gaze and instantly smiles before shooting me a wink.

I return the smile and Ahri is fast asleep in her corner, she is leaning towards Kai'Sa and it looks like she is going to be supporting everyone one the way home. I am kind of wishing I was somewhere in the middle back there.

Evelynn grabs a pillow, turning in her seat she rests with her back against the window. Looking straight at me with an unimpressed gaze.

"You can just ask."


"It's a competition now, isn't it?"

"You were an ass about it first."

"We can play this game the entire trip."

"It's fine, make me suffer."



"Alright," I chuckle, she then lifts her legs dropping them right on top of my legs, "This isn't exactly-"

"Using you as a footstool, massive difference."

"Uh-huh," I then grab her by the ankle.

"Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"That," she gestures with her eyes, "It isn't nice bullying a tired girl like this."

"I am not."

"This is why it never worked out between us," she says with a straight face, "You predator, going after defenseless girls that can be tricked by your kind gestures."

I only shake my head at her, "Isn't this just your own fault?"

"It is never my fault. I am perfect."

"I didn't do anything."

"You made me cry," she says with a straight face.

"What?" I furrow my brow.

A sneer spreads across her face, she then sits there with a satisfied expression as I only roll my eyes at her. My heart almost jumped out of my throat -scared that I actually did something to make Evelynn cry.

Can't be possible, I don't think she would feel that strongly over me and even then, I doubt she'd cry. She would have told me that she wanted to go to the festival and not joke around about it.

*** Evelynn POV ***

My heart is beating like crazy, seeing him get upset because I was making a joke about something he wouldn't know about. Why am I doing this to him and myself... am I really that petty?

No, I am not! It was a joke, he didn't have to take it so seriously.

I then shuffle in place, scooting towards him I rest against him only to say with a sing-song tone, "I won that one~"

"You sure did," he only shakes his head at me.

I lower my gaze and let my smile fade, what are you doing Evelynn? This is so corny and weird. I feel even weirder that the three of you could be dating but those two never talked about last night and I didn't want to just ask them.

I am actually jeallous.

Fuck me.

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