079 - Michelle

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Dropping me off in front of the apartment, Kai'Sa and I walk into the lobby to see a woman sit there with an amused expression, "Hey love birds, was coming around to say goodbye."

I sigh, "Hey."

Kai'Sa smiles at her, "Didn't really expect you to do that much."

"I want my Guitar back," she lifts her shoulders with a plain smile.

"It's at the school," I shake my head at her.

"Oh right," she then walks up to me, "I have some advice for you kid," she then gestures for me to meet her outside, "You can come with to hear a bitch like me give you life advice or just go up to your apartment and sulk."

I groan, "Talk to you in a bit, okay?" I flash her a weak smile.

She feels just like me, there isn't even enough energy to smile. I walk with her to see her drop down into her car - I reluctantly get in as she starts the engine and drives off instantly.

"I met with your sister," she begins, "Well, Angel... is that her name?"

I nod, "What about her?"

"Was looking for you and so I had a little chat about the other sister that came along and ruined the whole little orgy you were planning with those four," she sighs, "I am soooo jealous of you."

I shake my head, "To what end?"

She chuckles, "I actually like you quite a bit, kid. Maybe if Angel wasn't there to pull you away you would have turned into something like me."

"I doubt it."


"I am not a vile human being."

She chuckles, "Don't you think something happened for me to turn into the monster that Ahri says I am?" she lets her smile fade, "I might be a bit twisted but if not for me Evelynn would be stuck on the streets dying of the cold."

"Using that to change my opinion of you?"

"Just saying I am not a horrible person," she defends herself, then with a chuckle, "So for my life advice - take matters into your own hands. If you want to win you need to make the fight as dirty as possible, nothing in life is fair."

The car stops, "Look at me," she chuckles, "I fought for everything I had in my life and got where I wanted that way," she then shuts her eyes leaning back into her chair, "But I will be honest with you, I really wanted to be a different person."

I stay silent as I watch her.

"I miss my family, they don't want to talk to me because all I ever did was showed them the finger and kept pushing and pushing," she then looks at me, "I regret that I hurt Evelynn the way I did but there is nothing I can do to get that trust back."

"You deserved it."

"I am not here to debate whether or not that is true," she brushes me off, "I deserve everything that came to me."

She then looks at me with a smile, one almost sincere, "Ahri never deserved a mother and father that couldn't give two fucks about her - Evelynn didn't deserve being abandoned and then abused by a guy only for me to fuck her up even more."

"Not making a good case with yourself."

She opens the door, I glance around to see that we are near Illiya's apartment, I climb out as I shoot her a furrowed brow, "What are you doing?'

"Doing the only thing I need to do?" she presents a stack of papers, "Unless you are going to complain about me fighting for your case?"


Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat