144 - Dinner reservations

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Meeting up with Eve who has reserved a place at a restaurant to further discuss moving forward - I am also taking the time to discuss what Michelle had to say even though it is pretty much the same thing we would have opted for.

I drop down in the opposite seat, "Media's been going insane."

"I know," she looks up at me, "First Ahri, then Evelynn - the legendary dancer known as Kai'Sa spotted in the same city and nobody can seem to find what happened to the street rapper. Just so many things happening and nobody knows why."

"Have they pieced things together?"

Shaking her head, "Nope."

"Good," I nod, "I prefer that we can go about this our way and hope to surprise them rather than all of it being spoiled long before we had a chance to even make an impression."

She then states, "There are news outlets and podcasts asking us to come and meet them to talk about the recent events."

I twist my lips to the side, "Obviously."

"Going to ignore them as best we can - even started turning off my phone to stop the barrage of calls from coming through, seriously getting to be super annoying super quickly," she then rubs her eyes, "We should aim to get this done before the reunion."


She nods, "Four-year reunion. Remember?"

"We do it every four years?" I furrow my brow.

She chuckles, "Yes that is what we all planned on - at four years, then eight and then the final one at twelve," then propping up her arm, "It would be best if we get K/DA launched before then and then go to the reunion."

"Wouldn't that cause trouble?"

She shakes her head, "Nope - I think it would be a perfect time because if we are successful we can use that night to celebrate."

"Ahhh - obviously you are thinking more of the celebration."

"Haven't unwinded in a long time."

"Poor you."

"Poor me," she fakes a pout, "And here you are, not giving a shit."

"About you?" I arch my brow.

"Hm mhm," she then sighs, "All alone in this world, super successful and sleeping alone in my own bed drying my tears with single bills."

"And I am the one with the big house."

"You didn't buy it."

"Michelle did have me in the will, funny that you weren't there."

She watches me with a narrowed stare, "Fuck yourself?"

"Fuck me yourself?"

"Ha. No," she holds her defiant stare.

"Here I thought we were just flirting."


"Isn't this how you flirt?"

She rolls her eyes, "You need to shut the fuck up right now before I make a scene in this restaurant."

"Works for me," I lift my shoulders, "Evelynn walks out on a pretty good-looking dude, storming away with tears in her eyes."

"Oh, the fans are just going to chew you up."

"Between sleeping with you and making you cry - I don't really know which one is going to cause me more trouble."

"Weird thing to flex but sure," she then raises both eyebrows, "Though if you do manage to find my little cult can you ask them to stop whispering my name? I am getting these weird shivers down my spine."

"They are summoning you into their bodypillows."


"I know... it comes with the thought of how you feel that there are people out in the world that masturbated to the thought of you."

She holds her narrowed stare, "You really think I don't have a sense of self-sexual gratification?"

I snort, "Nobody loves you more than yourself."

With a chuckle, "Oh yeah - but at least you can go about your day knowing that in the end, four girls love you and you had your tongue down each of their throats."

"At least I can use that when someone tells me I am unloved."

"It's the master plan," she crosses her arms, "All of this to get back at the people that thought you would never ever have a chance with any woman - it is just highly unfortunate that I was one of those people."

"You were your own downfall."

"Now I just really need to decide if I love you more than I am spiteful?"

I narrow my eyes, "Can see it - getting your claws on everything and then taking it all away from me just like that, waiting four years just to get me to feel comfortable and rip it all away."

"Imagine though - the four of us whispering sweet nothings, sleeping with you, it was all just an elaborate ruse that we planned with Conner and his fuckboys just to finally get back at you because you dared flirt with Akali."

I shiver, "Please tell me that is not the case."

"Paranoia getting to you?"

"Only because that would be very fucked up."

She then pushes her lips out, "Aww baby. You know I would never crush your heart that way... I would just step on it outright if that were the case."

"At least I would know," I sniffle.

"And then continue to tell you that the sex sucked."

I snort, "Uh huh - recall that out of the four you were the most vocal."

She whispers, "It was just to make you feel better about yourself," then with a wink she smiles at me.

"You sure you want that stance?"

"What? You going to lead me away and fuck me like you missed me?"

"Just to prove a point."

"And then tell me the sex was horrid?"

"You really think I'd do all that?"

"Don't know," she lifts her shoulders, "Though I am kinda hoping that the sex part happens any time soon now."

"Sorry - I am incredibly bad at a bed and unable to satisfy you."

"Too bad," she twists her lips to the side, "I was thinking maybe some roleplay - maybe get you to see me in a light you'd never see, I can be a really good girl," she leers at me, running her fingers along her jaw and down to her cleavage. 

Obviously trying to bait me into doing it but I can tell you right now I am about to risk it all.

She leans forward, "I have your attention?"

"You had since I got here," I counter.

"If you really want," she looks around before whispering, "I'll let you get away with whatever you want just once~"

"Like paying for dinner?"

"Fuck you," she snorts as she leans back into the chair, "I really missed you."

"We should meet like this more often," I state, "Well - seeing as I am going to get you to move in I don't think that it is even negotiable."

She giggles, "I'll move in tonight. But back to business though - had enough fun for now and we need to plan everything moving forward. Akali and Kai'Sa got a name for us already and we should go and meet with those two after this."

"And Ahri?"

"She'll be there."

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora