033 - The start of a downfall

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*** Conner POV ***

"You okay? You like this is beating the life out of you," he chuckles as he sits down next to me, offering a bottle of water I shake my head as he states, "This is your first time trying out and you are doing fine."

"It's not practice."

Fred then twists his lips to the side, "Akali not giving you an answer is pissing you off?"

"It is doing something all right," I chuckle, then shaking my head as I take a deep breathe, "She is... I think she is doing it on purpose because she knows about me not liking (Y/N) and he has to be the dude she likes."

"It could be someone in her order."

"She hates all of them," I state, "She is too the good of a friend with him and it has barely been a week," I rub the side of my face, "He pisses me off but I am just making everything worse for myself so I am just going to try and make amends to show Akali that I can forgive someone."

"Is it worth forgiving?" he asks, "Will you pretend to like him when he ends up being the one tasting her?"

I then clench my jaw, "Don't put it like that-"

"It's reality. Man up to it and answer the fucking question."

"it isn't."

"There you have it," he then chuckles, "Every single person has a boiling point, you do, I do. He definitely does. He can't record every single thing we do without it seeming stupid and redundant so we can find a little easy way through."

"Get Kai'Sa and Akali, force him in a situation that will always look bad for him. I don't mind being the fall guy and taking a few punches to the jaw and after we ruin him we can kick his ass with all of us and he doesn't get anyone."

I smile at him, "You have been thinking about it for a while? Huh?"

He smirks at me, "Henry is working on his thing for a while and he will let us know what comes next."

I then ask, "Made any progress with Kai'Sa?"

"Can't tell with her. She is very tightlipped when it comes to talking about anyone so I don't ask her more than once otherwise it puts me in a bad light - on the other hand, I have been having plenty of time to hang out with her more and more."

"Those two walk together."

"I know so it makes our plan a bit harder," he then sighs, "You need to make sure Eric stays on our side though, he is a chill friend but he has no spine. If any of them asked he'd easily tell them, I won't be surprised if he said something about you hating (Y/N) to Akali."

I almost expect it to be true, but I can't turn against Eric. I don't want to lose friends so we better not fuck it up. If it is him that she likes... I will make sure it won't just end with a no. That fuck will regret it.

*** Normal POV ***

"Heya," she lifts her hand as I pack my stuff, "Seraphine. Michelle said that the two of us are going to train as a duo from now on considering we are both playing the Guitar."

I smile at her, "Hey. (Y/N)," I return the wave as I pack my stuff, "Welcome to the music group, if someone wants to join feel free to invite them over, we don't really have a quota or requirement other than an interest in music."

Seraphine then remarks, "With Michelle, I feel like some musical talent is necessary. She isn't exactly patient."

Michelle then walks up, "And she doesn't like being talked about," she then gestures to the door, "I want to talk to him so move your skinny little ass out of here and hurry home."

Seraphine then smiles at me, "Catch you Wednesday."

"See you," I then turn to Michelle who crosses her arms, "You need me for something?"

"Favour, seeing as how you are getting along with puppy I no doubt believe you can talk your way into Evelynn's bed-"

"I don't think-" she interrupts me quickly.

"She doesn't trust people as much as she should because of a rough past - I don't know how she feels and honestly I am worried. I want you to become friends with her and if something is wrong come to me so that I can help her-"

I then shake my head, "Shouldn't you go to her about it? I can hardly do that, or share anything about her."

"She won't listen to me, or care for anything I have to say. She has built up an immunity to me and can ignore me with ease," she rubs her brow, "Listen I don't want to ask anything of you, but I can count on you a lot more than anyone else."


"Stop asking so many questions," she glares at me, "I hurt her, I hurt her badly in the past and I can't rewind time. I am doing this because I know she wants this to happen for Ahri's sake but she is caught up in the middle of not caring for herself."

"Sounds like you should live with it then."

She nods, "I don't care if I have to suffer - I just want to make sure that I am the only one still suffering."

"I'll think about it."

"And I'll think about whether or not I want to teach you," she winks at me, "So choose wisely," lifting her hand as she waves me goodbye.

She doesn't hide it, I thought it would take a while for me to realize how bad of a person she is but she really isn't doing anything to make her appear to be a good person... going as far as acknowledging that she did something to Evelynn.

I'll ask Ahri about it, I don't want to get in the middle of something I shouldn't. 

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