083 - Forgive me but, I am staying.

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"I am not going to be punished for being late, am I?"

She shakes her head with a smile, "We received a call from your sister claiming that you were going to be busy so you don't have to worry about that - the teachers are all at a meeting currently so recess has been extended for the moment."

"Cool," I lift myself to my feet and head straight to class.

Ryleigh then tilts his head, "I thought you skipped town already, wassup?"

"Nothing much, just a bit late to school."

"Seriously?" he furrows his brow, "Akali said you were probably out of town having to go back to your hometown or something like that.  

"Nope," I shake my head, "Well that was something that was going to happen, where are they?"

"Out back of the courtyard. So same place where you five hung out," I nod as I head straight to my chair and place the bag on top of it, noticing that someone has already moved into my spot.

I pull the table back to where Eric is supposed to sit and reclaim my seat in the classroom. Can't believe the guy replaced me that quickly. After placing my things I walk down the halls and try to reach them as quickly as possible.

I see them all in the distance, the group has gotten a bit larger as if people felt the need to move in because I am not around - or maybe because they felt bad for them. I don't really care because I am not going anywhere.

I am kinda sneaking up on them, I stand and walk awkwardly towards them, "Forgive me but..." they all glance at me, "I think I am sticking around," I flash them a smile.

To describe it - their faces just went through too many emotions at once. There was a shock, surprise... leading back to a pained expression with the thought I was leaving still, to relief that I didn't decide to leave without saying goodbye.

Then as those final sweet words roll off of my tongue, I think the collective happiness made me feel overjoyed to see that reaction towards me.

Kai'Sa from her seated position lifted herself, and with tears in her eyes, she was rushing to me and tackled me to the floor. Akali is sitting looking at me in disbelief, Evelynn wearing a simple smile and Ahri's smile is probably the widest.

"Don't do that to me," she whispers to me, "I thought you left already," she sniffles into my chest, then finally laughing at herself, "I was really scared that it was the end for us."

I hold her close, "Sorry... I was up till two in the morning sorting everything out," I whisper back to her, "Lemme say hi to the rest, will you?"

she nods, pulling away from me she is wearing a stupidly large grin. Wiping the tears with the back of her hand I then walk up to the pretty large group.

Evelynn then breathes out, "Damn. I was thinking it would be quieter now."

"Gotta keep on disturbing the peace."

"The only way you know how to."

"Afraid you might miss me."

"Can't miss a face like that even if I tried."


"I know, nothing you can do about genetics."

I glance at Liam, Vic, and Simon, "Sup?"

Liam shakes his head, "Glad to see you are sticking around, would have killed the group if you just up and disappeared."

Ahri then scoots past them, "Sorry," then giving me a quick hug, "Hey, happy to see you are still sticking around - would feel lonely without you around."

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now