082 - Can't be my fault

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*** Kai'Sa POV ***

The four of us are hovering near the entrance waiting, I mean he did say he was going to come to say goodbye but we have three minutes to wait before it would just end up with us skipping class.

He isn't even answering his phone, "You think she got him to leave even sooner?" Ahri asks.

Evelynn lifts her shoulders, "I mean... Michelle was the last person to talk with him so I wouldn't be surprised if she convinced him to skip town for a couple of days."

"We can hope," I breathe out.

Akali then sides next to me, she tugs my finger trying to get my attention, she flashes me a sweet smile, "He wouldn't just leave without saying goodbye."

I try to smile but I am at a loss, "Even ignoring his phone? It is ringing the entire tune."

Evelynn then shakes her head, "COuld be he already cut ties-"

"Please just..." I stop myself from snapping at her, "I don't want to believe that everything that happened wasn't worth it."

"He must be hurting as well, Kai'Sa," Evelynn says, "I don't mean to be rude or make you upset, but we have to consider it."

"Yeah I know, I know..." gritting my teeth.

Akali lowers her gaze, as the time is slowly ticking past. The four of us then all glance at each other with pained expressions - I think I am the worst at hiding my own disappointment. The bell rings as most of the kids are already walking toward classes.

I then breathe out, "We shouldn't be late."

Ahri then asks, "Maybe he is just late... we can get away with a few minutes."

I shake my head, "To be disappointed even further?" I ask, then walking first I don't look back.

A couple of moments later I glance back to see that everyone decided that there is no point waiting. I am angry... annoyed... but, my heart is aching from the thought that he would leave without saying a word.

*** Normal POV ***

"I am serious," she rolls her eyes at me, "How was I supposed to know that you needed to be present for us to finalize me being your Guardian and have a whole ceremony to waste our time."

"And leave the girls waiting."

"Why didn't you message them?"

"I wasted my data because I couldn't fall asleep because the house doesn't have internet."

"Oh... smooth, blame me then."

I furrow my brow at her, "Oh, don't tell them. Let it be a surprise, they probably think I'm up and decided to leave without saying anything - I can just imagine how pissed they will be if I decide to show up."

"They won't hate you," she rolls her eyes, "Children are so dramatic."

Illiya then walks up, "All is sorted, sorry we had to pull you to finalize it."

I lift my shoulders, "Can I at least get a lift?"

Michelle then slides away, "I have work to do, Iliya you can take the reigns on this one," the two of us watching as she digs her hands in her pockets and disappears.

I mean, neither of us tried to stop her. I then look back at Illiya, that gestures for me to follow her.

I narrow my eyes at her as I ask, "Why'd you agree?"

"Because she is capable, far more capable than Jake."

"Not explaining why you said yes to her specifically."

"Because it was my decision, are you going to complain?"

"No," I breathe out, "Just wish you didn't have to come and make it harder on all of us - had to make Angel feel like she betrayed me."

"I am so sorry that she felt bad about wanting to leave you here all alone," she shakes her head, "I am just being a responsible adult where she thinks that you can just get away with anything on your own - just be glad someone like Michelle was willing to take you in."

"You mean you are happy to have met someone like Michelle to take me in."

She looks at me, "Are you implying that I am interested in her?"

"Are you implying that I am stupid?"

"Does it matter?" she asks, "It didn't have an effect on my answer, although you chose perfectly. I wasn't going to let you ever have the option to Guardian with someone else till she pointed out how spiteful I was being."

"You can admit that on your own?"

She nods, she doesn't look sad or ashamed about it, "She has a way with words - I would apologize but my letting you-"

"You could still say sorry," I counter, "Because I am not exactly happy about it, making me run around like a headless chicken where if it weren't for her I probably wouldn't have talked to you."

She twists her lips to the sides, "Sorry, (Y/N)."

I then sigh, "Whatever."

"Do you hate me?" she asks.

"I dunno what to say," I respond in a whisper, "I am not exactly happy with you, I shouldn't need to feel grateful either because you didn't even do it for me."

"Yeah... we can work on it at a later time."

"Maybe make amends with Angel," I say as I get in the back of the car, "If you can try to do at least that then I will be fine."

"She will ignore me."

"I won't convince you to do it," I shake my head.

We drive to the school in silence, I get out with my bag as I say, "See ya."

"Enjoy your day," she says, I look at her as she has a sad expression, and as I shut the door she drives off.

I walk into the building knowing that I need to explain my situation in great detail, and then explain why I was late in the first place. Then hopefully I get to reassure those four that I am not going anywhere.

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