036 - Had enough

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Taking all of my strength not to make a move, he places his hand on my chest to push me back as he growls at me, "Dunno why the fuck you walked all the way here to blame me for shit I didn't do."

Knocking his arm away, "I am not going to pretend for a single fucking second that I am stupid."

Fred holds his glare, "Now tell me, big man, what did I do?"

"You fucking know what you are doing," I say in a hateful tone, "Even if it isn't you, which one of two chucklefucks decided to break my property? Because you can't get at me any other way-"

"Far fetched is what it is."

"Pathetic little shit," I continue.

His jaw muscles tighten, and he steps forward with clenched fists only for Conner to stop him, "Fuck off, (Y/N). You got a little bit jealous about him hanging out with Kai'Sa and now you think everything has to do with us."

I glance to see that two more people are walking to the confrontation as I state, "Get your boys to back the fuck off, nothing to do with them."

"You are picking fights with us."

"Nah. You started with this shit. I know you wanted to push me to the edge to make the first move, make me play the bad guy and here I am. Just for you, I will play the fucking bad guy."

With a mocking scoff, I clench my fist and hit on the nose with a jab to the nose. Before I could even connect the uppercut. Someone is already in front of me, pressing her hand against my chest as she pushes me back. I meet an angry gaze as Kai'Sa shakes her head at me.

She then says, "Leave, (Y/N). Cooldown and we can handle everything tomorrow."

Fred then says, "You are lucky she stopped this from getting worse-"

"Thanks for not taking it further, Fred," she sighs, "Even though I know you would have if I didn't stop it."

His smile fades as he gives an understanding nod, "Can't hide forever you little rat," I say as I walk away from the school field.

I don't even care what it looks like anymore, I am sick of it. If they ruin my time here I am sure as hell going to make sure they go down with me. Fuck with the wrong person... I don't care if you slander me or if you try to get in the middle of my life. Breaking the only gift she gave me is crossing that line.

Her words reach me in my rage, "Please stop and talk to me," grabbing my wrist, I turn in place with a still angry stare, "What point is there in going after someone if you can't remotely pin the blame on them?"

"I know it is them-"

She shakes her head, "Nothing is saying it is them. Even if it is them, why not let the authorities deal with them? Suspension, Juvy. Don't you think those things are enough to ruin someone's life? To send them to a place worse than this school where people worse than them will make their life hell."

"That fucking Guitar has meant more to me than anyone in eighteen years ever did."

She nods again, but then slowly approaches me, "I can understand but again, nothing is pointing the finger towards them. Nothing. Do you understand that?"

I grind my teeth as I agree with her, "I know."

"Is it worth throwing away everything just to get revenge? People that play silly games win silly prizes and if is them - they will get what is coming to them. Consider everyone else around you, nobody wants to see you like that, and making such an accusation forces Akali to pick a side."

I mutter under my breath, "Figures. The one time I do something for my own sake I am told to consider everyone else," with a sigh, I turn around as I pull my arm from her grip.

***   ***   ***

It is firstly left to the faculty to handle it while they let the police investigate it. Hoping that they can get the fucks who did it to confess to making it easier on themselves... on the other hand if they don't then the police will make it fun.

I took pictures of it being practically smashed into pieces. The amp is still fine so I don't have to spend a fuck ton of money, just need to... I don't know what I am going to do. I am just pissed. I glance over my shoulder slightly as I say with a sigh.

"Sorry if I lashed out at you... and thanks for sticking around."

"Don't stress about it, are you feeling a little bit better?"


"At least you are honest," she says, "It would have been terrible if they decided to take it further, you know that right?"

I lift my shoulders, "I had enough, I can take all of them if I ever needed to. They think they are winning these silly little games and fights, they only lost their minds."

"You should listen to yourself," she sides next to me with a worried stare, "It must have really meant a lot to you if it is driven you over the edge like this."

"That was just crossing the line," I then rub my eye with the back of my finger, "I am probably being dramatic, being incredibly vindictive."

"If it is them, whatever you feel like you need to do to them, I won't stand in your way. Just... think before you do it. Weigh in what is worth putting yourself in a situation like that, what are you willing to let happen."

I twist my lips to the side, "I am probably looking pretty bad right now, aren't I?"

"It... makes sense why you got angry. Regardless of the reason, I would be angry too, they will get what is coming to them, whoever they are. I just don't want to see you do all of this when the only satisfaction there is, is punching them. What's the point of dragging them into the ground when you are going to be stuck in the mud with them."

I nod, "I get it."

We reach the apartments and she steps closer, "Look at me," I turn around as she grabs me by the fingers, pulling me closer as she rests her other hand on my neck. I lower my head onto her shoulder as she gives me a hug, "Feel better?"


She giggles, "We can stand awkwardly in the middle of the hall until you feel better, just do me a favor," I lift my head as she states, "Talk to Akali when you can tomorrow. She came running to me to ask for help and she was blaming herself."

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