010 - Home

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*** Kai'Sa POV ***

"Good news," he breathes out, "Got a new apartment ready to move in, if you want we can do it now or tomorrow."

"Now is good," I state, then asking, "We didn't unpack anything yet so we can just start taking our bags and go, right?"

He stops me, gesturing to the couch, "First things first," we both sit down as he asks, "How was school?"

"Good," I nod, "Met some nice people on the first day and I think it will be pretty fine. I was recognized instantly by some of the students and ended up signing up for the dance classes - on the other hand, there are a few people I think I can be good friends with."

He nods, "Boys?"

Arching my brow, "Does that really matter that much?"

"I mean... I'd like to know just a little bit."

Shaking my head trying to hold back my laughter, "Mostly girls. There is this one guy that has been super sweet meeting him but I feel like... I don't know how to put it..." I don't know how to tell my dad that I think he is reliable after spending a single day with him.

"Do you like him?"

I shake my head quickly, "What? Are we really going to think about that? Dad, I haven't even known him longer than a day?"

"You are right, you are right... it still wasn't a no though..."

I lift myself, "I can't say yet Dad," then with an amused stare, "Come on, let's get moving before you make me confess to having a crush on someone I haven't even met yet."

*** Akali POV ***

Sneaking through the grounds, I reach my room with relative ease only to feel my spirit being crushed with both my Mother and Father sitting down on the floor waiting for me. I didn't even try to bolt away knowing they'd just catch me if I tried to hide it out.


"Afternoon, Father," I greet him spitefully as he doesn't do it back.

Dropping down he starts, "I expect you to show your Elders and Masters some respect. I am willing to let you do as you wish if you'd only talk to me about it - you run scared as if I am taking away everything from you but you can't show me any decency. I am disappointed Akali."

I sigh, "You haven't even greeted me properly before scolding me and you want me to talk to you more?"

My Mother quickly shakes her head to warn me, he then starts, "Afternoon, Akali. How was school?"

"It was fine."

"Try to show us all some respect. They want you to take the position and up until now I have been trying to get them to change their minds - your Mother and I can't protect you any longer if you keep making them angry. Do that for me, show everyone respect, and do as you are told then you get to go to school and do what you want."

Till they take it away from me.

"I will," I keep my thoughts to myself.

He lifts himself and leaves the room quickly, Mother then smiles at me, "How was school?"

"Good. Just wish I didn't have to come back home to that."

She nods then states with a sigh, "He means well. Your Father is bad at a lot of things, even if you think it is being a father he is still trying to be better. The Order leaves little room for a lot of things and he is trying to balance it well."

"Right - the same way I am being drilled and having to focus on training where I don't even get time for myself or homework?"

"Something can't be helped."

I nod, "I know," then twisting my mouth to the side, "Can I ask a favor?" she nods as I then say carefully, "Uhm. I know you are probably going to say no but someone wants to train with someone in the Kinkou. Is there a way I can make this happen at all?"

She gives me a weak smile, "Honey. You will have to ask Shen about it and then he needs to run it by the rest. I am sure he would be able to do it for you but... it is going to be a long and hard discussion. Are you sure you want to do that? If you mess up once they will say no without any room for discussion."

"I can make it happen."

*** Ahri POV ***

Stepping into the building, I glance around to see that all the lights are still off. Another night spent alone I guess. I wonder if Evelynn would come over... but then again she already had to walk all the way because her brother was busy doing something so I don't want to inconvenience her.

I instantly head to the shower, dropping all my stuff on top of my bed I just want to clean up. Spend some time on youtube, talk to someone for a little bit and then go to bed. There isn't anything else to do...

I should plan on doing something for tomorrow after school.

*** Evelynn POV ***

I reach home, pulling my phone out - Ahri must be alone again. Should send her a quick message to see if she wants to come over - I'll have my brother pick her up the moment I get my hands on him.

Sending the message I sigh at the relief that the house is still somehow clean. Leaving him to do anything is just a guaranteed trip to having to scrub the floors... he is so messy...

My phone rings, I answer instantly, "Hey, Ahri."

"You sure? I mean Jack wouldn't mind?"

"He never does," I state, "That is if you don't want to share the bed."

"I'll be over in a bit-"

"I'll send him to pick you up," I hear the door open behind me, "Which is right now. See you in a bit."

He looks at me with a confused stare, "What?"

"Come on. We are picking Ahri up. Her mom is probably on a business trip, she is going to spend a few days here till she wants to go back home."

"Awesome, I like her."

I stop as I shoot him a glare, "What?"

"Not like that! She is way too young for me," he then gestures for me to come with, "You really think the worst of me."

"I still love you," I state, "Come on."

He then asks, "Her parents aren't really reliable are they?"

"They are," I defend them, "They just don't know how to be good parents. Her mom can't help it because she is an auditor. They often need to spend weeks away from home living on a farm to help count stock and go through all their files. She is good at her job so she gets a lot of work."

He sighs, "Poor girl. Must be lonely."

I nod, "It is. She was going to go to bed and end up sleeping the entire day away if I didn't message her."

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now