153 - After Dark

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Wearing nothing but a towel. I am standing near the fire that I started up for us to cook some of the meat we have left in the fridge to have ourselves a barbeque for the night... even though I am the one cooking every night.

Ahri and Evelynn have both got a shirt on with a towel for their bottom. They got the cooler out and filled it with ice along with some of the beers and drinks we bought to celebrate our success and the reunion.

Placing it on a table outside, Akali and Kai'Sa went to get the chairs ready for us while I am busy with food.

The four of them are already seated with Kai'Sa leaning over to hand me a drink. I sit down in the chair near the fireplace while Ahri clears her throat.

"So good news."

We all look at her.

"Our single pretty much led to be the single most popular song of the decade, a few nudges away from being rated number one and about a month away from being the most listened song ever!"

There is a little celebration where we lift our cans and glasses to drink to it. "Cheers all of you!"

Akali giggles. "This is awesome. Never thought we'd make it."

Kai'Sa shakes her head. "This is us. Always have been us."

Evelynn chimes in. "Said that it would be one of the best, we put everything we had in it and delivered."

Ahri clears her throat. "There is a little bit of something extra." She looks at me. "So we kinda went public with our little situation."

Akali looks at her. "Kinda?"

I answer for Ahri. "Implied it. We never plan on saying things for sure because it doesn't have anything to do with them but the general idea is to make it kind of obvious we never talk about it or admit to it."

Evelynn lifts her shoulders. "We can do either way. It doesn't matter because it won't affect the music we make and it won't affect our relationship so there is no point to address how we plan on dealing with it with the public."

Kai'Sa asks. "How have the responses been?"

She looks at me. "Well... as you expect. A lot of people don't care, and a lot of people are unhappy. That is how it works. Maybe a handful that is jeallous-"

Kai'Sa giggles. "Stop it."

I smile at her. "But it doesn't matter. People have different beliefs."

Evelynn chuckles. "I can't wait to see the outrage of artists that want you out of here, wishing they could a little bit of this."

I lower my gaze. "I won't give any of you up for anything." I then lift my shoulders. "Can't wait to be used in a rapper's song about how I am the stay-at-home dad. Probably already happening."

Evelynn smirks at me. "You wouldn't even care if that was the case."

I chuckle. "I would still like to do something, at least I get to do something I enjoy."

"And you belong in K/DA." Ahri adds quickly.

Evelynn nods with a smile. "You do. All of us do."

I don't care. Not even the slightest.

We publish our own things and there were a lot of people that were pissed because I took Michelle's business the moment she 'died'. A lot of people criticized me for not being ready but I hope those fuckers see me now.

Then again. They are going to amount it to Evelynn and Ahri's experience.

I just have that feeling that is what they plan on doing. With how things are working I will have a lot more free time than I used to have because of how our new situation works... the entire operation is flexible as we are all planning on securing good brand deals before continuing with our next EP.

Until then, it is just building our reputation, brands, and relationships.

The conversations drag out to different topics after our announcements, with me focusing mostly on the food with them occasionally siding next to me. Akali on the other hand was trying to get some tastes past me.

But unlucky for her, I am a chef with a code of honour.

So I ended up giving her some to taste.

I have a weakness, I think it is pretty obvious what it is.

I finish the food, and we all get something to eat and pretty much eat most of it. I put the leftovers in the oven and head back outside to meet with them. The sunbathing chairs have been paired together with Ahri and Kai'Sa laying close to each other watching the stairs with Akali and Evelynn occupying the other pair with Evelynn talking in a whisper to her.

Five is an awkward number.

I smile, walking past them Evelynn lifts herself grabs my wrist and pulls me down to sit down with them.

"What you walking past for?"

I shake my head. "Sounded like the two of you were talking about something serious."

Akali shakes her head. "I was just asking about... when I left and how she has been doing with everything."

I nod slowly. "Might also not hurt to talk a little bit about your past," I suggest.

"I just invited you, don't let me kick you away."

Akali shakes her head. "She doesn't mean it."

I snort. "I can never really tell with her."

She shakes her head. "Both of you are playing a very very dangerous game with me right now."

Akali states. "We already did." She props up her hand resting her head on her hand while she watches Eve with a slight smile.

She sighs. "Do you really want to know?"

"Only if you want to share," I state.

She breathes out in a whisper. "My mom and dad abandoned me and my brother at an early age. It is hard to say which one ran away first because even though one of them ran away, the other one was just never there mentally."

"I had my brother. My friends. The people I thought I loved and because of that I was impressionable and easily fooled with love." She scoffs. "An idiot that just wanted to be taken care of and spoiled just like any other person that has never tasted it."

"Short story." She sighs. "I don't really want to go further than that... sorry."

"It's fine." Akali nuzzles up to her.

She smiles down at her. "Yeah... it is fine now."

I glance at the other two to see that Ahri has moved over Kai'Sa sitting on her lap the two are slowly making out on top of each other they were definitely talking about different things than the three of us.

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now