039 - Old man consequences

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*** Eric POV ***


"What?" he glances at me, then with a sigh, he rubs his eyes out, "Sorry. I just ended up being pretty tense."

I side next to him, "This has gone too far, I don't care what you think of the guy but I can tell that this will never end well. I am going to move away and you should too, if you don't then-"

"You are going to tell them, aren't you?"

I nod, "Face it, Conner. Fred is just roping you along and he will make sure that all of us go down with him."

"You don't have to tell them," he looks at me, "They won't ever be able to point the finger at us, because neither me nor Fred did it. Henry is the one that snuck in and destroyed the Guitar only because Fred-"

"Asked him to?" out of frustration, "Look at yourself, dude. It isn't you but you sure as hell are going to play a part in it. If you don't come out I will tell Akali about it and then-"

He spins around, grabbing me by the collar, "I will fuck you up."

"I don't care," I state, "Have fun rotting your life away. Oh... but this is because you got jealous over (Y/N) and Akali's relationship. Haven't you? So I hope you enjoy being a sad and miserable little fuck."

"I wouldn't hit him if I were you," we both hear a voice, glancing to the side we see Evelynn, I feel my heart sink as she crosses her arms, "I at least know who did it," she smiles slowly.

Conner then warns her, "Back the fuck off."

"I could if I wanted to, unfortunately, that is off the table."

I then say, "Leave, Evelynn. This has nothing to do with you, and I'd hate it if someone else got in the middle of this situation."

She lifts her eyebrow as she then glances around the corner she came out of, out walks the person it has been about this entire time.

*** Normal POV ***

I look at the two of them, Conner looks like he is about to hit the shit out of Eric. I then tilt my head as I twist my lips to the side, "I was kind of wondering why you dragged me all the way here, Evelynn but I guess I am not regretting it a single bit."

Conner's face fades from anger into pure worry, "What the fuck do you want from us?"

I point at Eric, "Let him go. I don't like either of you but it looks like you like burning your friends."

"Tch," he lets go of him as he faces me, "You are doing it on purpose. What happened to let me do whatever I need to do with Akali? Why stick your nose in it?"

I shake my head, "I never did. It's sad how paranoid you are. Never mind you, I am pissed off. All of this because someone got a little jealous. Was it worth breaking my guitar?" I step forward as Eric quickly says.

"He didn't break it. Henry did."

I glance at him as I state, "Doesn't excuse all the shit you have been trying to put me through."

"He is a fucking idiot, just... Fred is trying to get into a good relationship with Kai'Sa and try and persuade her to hate you. Henry said he would break your Guitar and force you into a bad situation where you would like the villain. Conner is just being an idiot and I know he deserves just as much like him but he didn't do anything other than being a dick."

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang