104 - House meeting

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I can't quite wrap my head around it yet, on paper I own this place... all because my sister wanted to make me choose between her and my parents... Illiya in a sense made this happen because my sulking brought me this.

Angel would be jealous if she knew, but I doubt that. She is happy over there and that is what matters.

I then take a picture of the new room and send it to the two missing out on it - wish they could have been here to experience this but... what happens after Michelle's surgery? She must have planned that far.

There has to be a reason why she is doing this, why she would put my name on it and not someone else.

Why me?

I finish unpacking my bags and head straight down to the living room area, still confused about what we consider the living room, I can see they have gone to the main room instead of the family room. Guess it makes sense.

"Took your time," Jake states.

I then breathe out, "Was taking the beds for a spin, super comfy."

Ahri stretches her limbs, "Quite a bit."

Michelle then clears her throat as she then addresses all of us, "You can do whatever the fuck and whenever you want - the place is big and there are pretty much a lot of times you can just do whatever you want to do."

"As for parties - ask me first. That is probably ninety percent more important than throwing it because I don't want to end up with this place being one step away from being everyone's favourite party house because I am getting old quickly."

Evelynn then arches her brow at her, "That quickly?"

"Yes. Seriously though, just enjoy it. Even if you want to invite people over for a visit - I don't really care about that either as long as they don't stick their noses anywhere upstairs where it doesn't belong."

"Nothing off limits?" Ahri asks, "Really?"

"I said enjoy it, not bore yourself to death - password is written down somewhere for the wifi just need to find it before we continue," she then checks the time on her phone, "I also have to make a little trip so you guys just explore."

She leaves as Jake looks at me, "Can we talk?"

Evelynn stops him, "Talk? You can talk in front of us, no?"

"Not about this."

She glares at him, "Sounds more like hiding something, listen, I know that men have a multitude of problems in their lives and often need male support but-"

He walks away towards the pool, "Shut up, Eve."

She then looks at me, as I chuckle, "Guess big bro is still big bro."

Ahri then chuckles, "Doubt it is anything to worry about."

I then flash them both a quick smile, "I'll make it quick - still got the whole place to explore and I bet there are going to be a lot of changes anyway. See you two in a bit."

I walk over the grass as he is standing with his hands in his pockets, staring at the vista in front of us, "How are you dealing with it?" he asks me, "I imagine she told you already."

"I dunno what to do," I confess, then turning in place as I look at Ahri and Evelynn still talking to each other on the couch, "Michelle... I didn't like her at the start and there were a lot of things that made the two not be able to have a good relationship."

"Save the time she helped me with Akali and now this."

"She is... something else," he states, "I have been asking her every single day why, and how - but all I get from her is that she says that nothing is wrong, she isn't hurting but counting down the days till there is either nothing to do or just leave it in their hands to save her."

I then ask, "Is she serious about how drastic it is?"

"She quit smoking," he states, "She has been smoking for a very long time, I am surprised she quit so easily - hell I don't know what else about it she is hiding," he then shakes his head, "I hate how she is going about it."

"Like buying this place?"

"Thinking about everyone else except herself?"

He then nods with a sad expression, "In her words - I don't want to be stuck to a machine one day hoping that somebody else will die with a heart that can replace mine," then with a chuckle, "She also expressed that maybe the reason she has always been a bitch is because of her heart."

"I hate every second of this," I confess, then with a sigh, I lift my gaze to the beautiful skies above, "She is doing all of these things - claiming that she is just preparing for some sort of future but all it is doing making me more and more aware that she could die right now."

"I know how you feel," then with a faint smile, "I am glad you get to see a little bit of her that nobody really sees - she is rude, brash, and self-centred but sometimes has these flashes of helping people in her own way."

"Doing what she wants to do," I repeat her words.

"Exactly," then with a chuckle, "I think she likes you a lot more than she lets on - it might be because for her you are like the brother she lost to her parents, that the situation with your sisters pissed her off enough to take it into her own hands."

"Sound almost too specific to be fake," I look at him, wondering if it is because he knows something.

"I don't know, she doesn't tell people things unless she wants to."

"She is like that..."

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