130 - Welcome home

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Parking in the front, she grabs the things that she can carry which isn't a lot. She has about one bag and I don't really know how she survived with nothing to her name - she then steps into the building taking a deep breath.

"Taking it all in again?"

"Missed this place," she states, "Well mostly the super soft beds and showers that were more expensive than the apartments I had to stay in."

"Comes with the territory," I state, "Lucky for you there are like... six rooms around this place that nobody has staked their claim to - so feel free to steal whichever one you want."

"You took the main one, right?"

I nod, "That is true."

"Damn - guess I am going to have to steal your shower at some point without you knowing," she lifts her shoulders, I then chuckle, "I'll take the room I stayed in last time I slept over - would be weird if I took any of the other girl's rooms if they decide to move in."

I ask her, "You think they are going to?"

She nods, "I hope so - wouldn't it be perfect if we all ended up back here?"

"If only," I smile, "I am going to hop in the shower and then meet you out front?"

She nods, "Sure."

A part of me would have asked for her to join me in the shower, and a part of me wants to take my time because despite everything I don't know if we can just jump straight back into it. I mean the two of us were acting like were dating for the longest time.

It is hard just picking up from where we left off. That and showering together are just bound to make me late for work. Akali didn't really get much taller but she still kept fit despite everything.

***   ***   ***

Sitting at my desk, Akali is walking around the place and met up with the rapper that she worked with four years ago - I guess those two were good friends but he rarely sticks around for long. At least she won't be bored out of her mind waiting on me.

My office phone rings again, "(Y/N)."

"Someone sounds busy."

"Trying to make it out that I am not?"

"Wouldn't dare take that away from you," then with a chuckle, "But then again your radar is almost just as big as mine - you probably found things out long before I could even get my next plan behind my producers."

"How are you doing Ahri?"

She giggles, "Been working, and you?"

"Same old, same old."

"Ah, I doubt it is as bad as starting out, right?"

"Oh yeah - it has definitely gotten better over the years," then resting back into my chair, "Though it just looks like you got to call me way before I got to."

"You were going to call me? Hmmm. It sounds like the two of us really are on the same wavelength right about now."

"Part of the job."

She laughs, "Sure. Are you busy? I'd like to have your professional advice on my career and use it as an excuse to actually get out and meet up. Have something I want to bring up with you and we might be on the same page already."

"After 2?"

"Sure. We can grab lunch together."

"Can Eve make it?"

"Eve is unfortunately not going to make it, she expressly stated that she has work to do on her end and if I pull her around to do something that gets in the way of her own plans again she might just have to stop being friends with me."

"So it is friends now?" I joke.

She sighs, "We are a lot of things, but the one thing we both share is a need to meet up with everyone."

"See you soon, Ahri."

"Same place, yeah?"

"Same place," I confirm.

"See you in a bit," she chirps and then cuts the call.

I cut the call as I turn back to the contact details on my desk. Her mother came in asking to meet with her... it is entirely left up to me and... I'll just hold onto it for now. I plan on taking Akali with me to meet Ahri.

I don't want to ruin the moment with things that could kill her mood.

The door swings open to show Akali walks inside, "This place feels almost like nostalgia, I expected to see Michelle today but I guess she really did decide to make sure she stays out of the lime light."

"I could ask her to come to mete you right now?"

"Only if she has time," she then let her smile fade, "I just know she is going to tear into me."

I shake my head, "She would have explained how much she believes you made the right decision, I doubt she would have blamed you. Though Ahri asked to meet me for lunch if you want to go see her?"

"Please!" she then sits down in one of the seats.

"She doesn't know you are with me yet so expect some kind of reaction," I then twist my lips to the side, "We still need to figure out how to get Eve to skip work and meet us - get Kai'Sa to stay over here and then we are steps away from it all."

She sighs, "I've been dreaming about this for a while, to finally be back with everyone."

I then joke, "It is almost like we were all just waiting for you to come to mend us back together."

She stops me, "That's your job - I am too busy worrying about myself to be able to help anyone," she then gives me a wide smile, "I could have missed out on everything if you didn't stop me the first time, I would have been alone."

"Then I am glad I stopped you."

"Me too."

She then asks, "Have you been single this entire time?"

"Yeah - I know it is hard to believe that someone like me does not have women crawling at his feet begging-"

She shoots me a glare, "Okay okay. It was just a question don't need to get all wiseass on me," she chuckles as she rolls her eyes, "Cause it kinda looks like your secretary really really likes you, or looks up to you."

"She is nothing but a colleague."

"Makes me want to kinda be extra around her."

"Don't provoke anyone," I shake my head at her.

Even if that were the case, four is plenty and I don't think I can and should be allowed to have more. Besides, there are only the four of you and it will always be the four of you - I just hope that this is around the time when it starts to turn for all of us.

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now