072 - Love is gone.

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"Oh, dad's home," she looks at me, "I guess I am going to have to skip on supporting you through all of that," she then lifts her arm pulling me into a hug, "See you, tomorrow?"

"Yep," the door swings open on us mid-hug.

"Kai, welcome home-" he looks at me as he quickly asks, "What are you do-"

Kai'Sa stops him, "Dad. It is just a hug," then flashing me a smile she winks at me before walking up to him to give him a tight hug, "And it isn't like (Y/N) is just going to steal me away from you."

"Okay okay," he smiles at me, "Just like to joke a bit," but I think he wouldn't be happy to hear that Kai'Sa is dating two people at the same time.

I lift my hand, "Gotta go. Enjoy your evening."

They both flash me a smile and a wave, I grab my stuff and jump into the elevator. I am not exactly in the best of mood knowing she is going to be here and even more with Angel to allow her just to step in that easily.

It only just registers despite her telling me about it before I left, doesn't really change much.

I walk in to see Max near the entrance, "Welcome back, wish it was a nice way to return but your sisters have been fighting the moment she got here."

I sigh, "They don't like each other."

"I could tell," he then gestures with his head but I can already hear their voices.

I only sigh, "Wish me luck."

"Good luck," his smile fails.

I walk in to see the two of them instantly look toward me, Angel instantly smiles but Illiya doesn't even try to look friendly. Her hair is platinum blonde now, I think she dyed it but still kept the length.

It kinda suits her.

"Welcome back."

Illiya instantly says, "Sit down, we need to catch up," it is in a commanding tone.

"How about you ignore her for a solid second and get dressed, grab a shower and we can talk?" she looks back at her with a glare.

She twists her lips to the side, "Fine."

"Nice to meet you," I say with an aggressive tone.

"Yeah yeah, don't need to sit and pretend you love seeing me, (Y/N). Angel made sure about that didn't she?"

Angel snaps at her, "Not his fault you only understand one thing and that is how to be a manipulative bitch."

"Cute, you are still a little snowflake~" she sings, "Precious little Angel can throw punches but hates taking them."

She laughs at her, "Really? Wow. Do you really think anything of the shit that comes through that mouth of yours has ever bothered me? Be real. You are just upset you don't have someone to control!"

I let them fight their fight, I head to my room, unpack my bags and head straight for the shower, those two can stay fighting for hours at a time so best just to leave them to go at it.

I finally join them at the table only to see the two of them are terribly quiet, Illiya has her posture fixed with her normal serious expression - Angel looks distraught as if when it comes to family all we ever have is bad news.

I then begin with a sigh, "Do I need to ask or also fight with both of you to get it out?"

Illiya says quickly, "Depends if you want to be disappointed by Angel, or by me. I guess I should tell him then, huh? You'd be used to it."

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now