Hey Babe (Chapter 1)

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The dingy elevator stops at the 4th floor and the door struggles to open. You give the door a punch and it squeaks open long enough for you to step out. You walk to the end of the hall and pause before entering. Through the glass door that reads "Alias Investigations" you can see a shadow moving about. You've always hated that glass door, it doesn't offer any privacy from the outside world but it also doesn't show you the whole picture. A bit of a tease. You open the door and see Jessica in an emptier than normal office holding a box filled only with alcohol. Typical.

"You're early." Jessica says. "I planned on just leaving the keys inside for you."

"Yeah I figured you weren't going to say goodbye so I came early". You walk towards her and pull her into a hug as she reluctantly hugs you back.

"I told you I'm coming back." she says as she quickly pulls away and places keys to her office into your hand. "I know you'll do good while I'm gone, probably more good than I could"

"We both know that's not true, but thanks for the support." You respond as you slide the keys into your pocket.

Alias investigations. Jessica's private investigator company that she started back a few years ago. Over the years it has taken off as more people have seen her for who she is, a super powered individual who actually cares. She would never let you believe that she cares though. Caring has only gotten her, and you, hurt your whole lives. But there is no doubt in your mind that she cares, and that caring is what is causing her to give you the keys to her company while she takes a much deserved break.

"Just don't do anything dumb while I'm away". I don't want to hear that you burned down the office while I'm gone" she says as she places her passport and a picture in the box.

Alcohol, her passport, and one picture, that's all she is taking with her besides a bag of clothes.

"Thanks for letting me still work while you are away" you say. Even though she is letting you keep the business open while she is gone, it's clear that cases will be scattered and it won't bring in enough money for you to afford your overpriced apartment a few blocks away. You're essentially doing her a favor by still working on cases while she is gone, but you don't mind. Jessica is your best friend, and you have another plan for how you'll make enough money to survive in this overpriced city while she is away. Plus you won't need to even pay rent since the new opportunity comes with housing, so that's a bonus.

"Try your best not to get in trouble or die while I'm gone". "I really don't want to have to deal with that" she says half jokingly.

Jessica has gone through a lot over the majority of her life. Similar to yourself, her family died in an accident and she survived, with new powers. Over the years she did her best to be "the good guy", but never felt like it. Between her sister/best-friend going to jail, and having to deal with a wannabe superhero blind guy who wears a devil suit in Hell's Kitchen (don't even ask), she deserves the break. You might be the last person she can even slightly bring herself to care about after everything she went through. So you know her joke was also serious.

She grabs her favorite glass and places it in the box.

"So where are you even going and how long do you think you'll be gone?" you ask, looking at the passport in her box.

"Not completely sure yet about either. But I plan on getting a train ticket to El Paso, Texas. After that, I don't really know." She tells you.

You don't pry anymore. Shaking your head in acceptance of her answer, you just appreciate the honesty.

Jessica does one last lap around the office, looking at you one last time before walking out the door. "Seriously, please don't get yourself killed while I'm gone." she says dryly.

"No promises" you smile.


After checking a few emails in Jessica's - or I guess y/n's office, y/n locks up and heads to a place where they are all too comfortable. A bar. It's only a few blocks away from the office, nothing fancy but also not a complete dive bar. Alcohol doesn't have the same affect on you as it does others. You can still get drunk but it just takes A LOT more alcohol for you to get to that point. Which also explains why most of your extra money tends to end up going toward your bar tab.

After about an hour and 8 drinks later (know your limits people, binge drinking is not your friend), you finally start feeling a very slight buzz. Thanking the bartender and leaving her a nice tip, you pay your tab and step out of the bar to head home. On a normal night you would have simply walked home, 3 miles isn't that bad after a night of drinking, but your body hesitates seemingly out of nowhere before you can take your normal route home. You take a second and decide to turn around.

Right as you turn around you see a young woman half stumble out of the neighboring bar. Her hair is in a nice braid that falls slightly below her shoulders. Her green coat covered her 'going out' outfit fully, keeping her body hidden. As soon as you decide to pay her no mind, you see 3 men quickly follow her down the street. You look only for a few seconds before you get the sense that the guys don't actually know her. Picking up your pace you head straight for the young woman without a second thought.

"What's up baby girl? Where are you going? Our place is the other way." The guys heckle in the direction of the woman. She barely turns around to face them as you finally catch up to them.

Wrapping your arm around her shoulders you turn to her, "Hey babe. Are you ready to head home?"

She looks at you confused but quickly catches on to what you're trying to do. Glancing at the 3 men who have now slowed their pace but are still only a few feet behind her, she swiftly puts her arm around your waist, pulling you closer, and turns her head to look at you.

"Yeah, I thought I lost you for a minute. I called a car already so it will be here soon." You nod.

You both continue walking as the men stop pursuing you both. She keeps her arm around your waist, hand on your hip scrunching the bit of your shirt that it sits on top of, as you walk in silence a little while longer.

This is not how I expected to spend my night... But I guess it could be worse.

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