Shitty Breakup Letter (Chapter 79)

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*Natasha POV*


Natasha softly knocks on Wanda's bathroom door, waiting for a response. After getting up from the table, Wanda left toward her room without a word, but didn't lock Natasha out entirely. She simply slipped into her bathroom where she has been seeking solace for the last 15 minutes.

"Wanda, please come out of the bathroom. I know this is hard but they didn't mean it in the way you are taking it. Don't be upset." The bathroom door suddenly opens resulting in Natasha to topple forward as she was slightly leaning on the door. Stumbling slightly, she catches herself and meets the gaze of a both equally angered and broken, Wanda.

"Don't tell me how I am supposed to feel, Natasha! It's easy to say 'they didn't mean it' or that things aren't as bad as I am interpreting it, when you and Yelena are both waking up in bed next to them. I am their girlfriend! And yet, I am the person they seem to remember the least. I am the person they seem to feel comfortable around the least. I am the person they now care about... the least." Wanda's voice softens at her own admission, losing the anger in her voice with each passing sentence.

"That's not the full truth or the reality of the situation though, Wanda. They are hurt right now, they don't want to not remember... they just can't. But I know Bruce, he is going to fix it. He is going to help them get all of their memories back."

Wanda slightly shakes her head, finally walking out of the bathroom and goes to sit on a chair in the corner of her room. Natasha follows, sitting in the neighboring chair as she waits for Wanda to say something.

"Even if that's true, it doesn't take away the fact that in their time of vulnerability and when they need comfort they aren't coming to me. They are actively avoiding me. Y/n and Yelena have spent more time together than y/n has even looked at me these past few weeks. Hell, at this point I think it's safe to say they would rather be alone with you and intimate with you than me. Natasha, they slept with you last night... not me."

Natasha goes to open her mouth but quickly closes it, no words come to mind that will help Wanda feel better about what is happening between her and y/n. So they sit, they sit in the silence and feel every bit of the weight of the situation that they find themselves in. Giving her as much time as she needs, Natasha stays silent until Wanda speaks up again.

"They used to want to spend their time with me. Y/n would look at me with these big sparkly eyes and give me so much of their time and attention. Being around them would melt the stress and uncertainty of life away and just leave me feeling so incredibly happy. They made me feel seen, to not feel like this monster that a lot of the world still thinks of me as. Y/n would go out of their way to create moments with me and do everything they could to give me instances of being small, of being normal. When I was with them I wasn't, "A Maximoff Twin" or "The Scarlet Witch"... I was just Wanda." She sighs, looking from Natasha to the window. The rain patters on the glass, Wanda watches a scattering of droplets race each other down toward the windowpane where they pool together.

"Wanda, they remembered you though. They fought hard to find a memory of you and them. We all watched them remember you and the relationship they still have with you. You are still that person to them... it just looks a little different right now but I know you two will get it back."

"That's the thing, Natasha. They had to try... really fucking hard just to remember me... to remember us. They didn't have to try that hard to remember Yelena or even you. It just doesn't look different right now, it is different."

Again, Natasha stays silent. The heaviness of the room is accompanied again only by the sound of the rain splashing against the window.

"I know it's not their fault, and I do not blame them. But it doesn't stop any of this from hurting all the same. They may not be choosing to not remember me or our relationship, but they are choosing to not try with me. Y/n isn't choosing me anymore."

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