Cheers (Chapter 5)

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"Oh hey, babe" A familiar voice interrupts as you stop relaying your order to the bartender. Spinning around your eyes meet hers as she sits in the stool next to you.

"Can we get 4 shots of vodka and –" she looks down at your empty glass, taking a second to infer what you were drinking. "-- and 2 vodka sodas, doubles please." She informs the bartender who quickly glances at you to ensure that's what you want to order. Y/N nods at the bartender and they quickly leave to grab some shot glasses.

"Well hi to you too, Yelena." You finally speak up, turning to fully face her. "We really need to stop meeting like this." You sarcastically joke, trying to regain your composure and doing your best to not let her keep the upper hand in the banter.

The bartender comes back with your drinks, setting 2 shots of vodka and a vodka soda in front of each of you. "Enjoy" they say before leaving you two to continue your conversation.

"Cheers" you both say as you reach for a shot of vodka, taking it down in a quick swallow, trying to let as little of it as possible actually touch your tongue. Yelena then, almost instinctively, grabs the second shot and swallows it down just as fast as the first.

"Seems like someone had an off day." You state but also half ask just in case she cares to talk about it.

"It was fine." Yelena responds bluntly. Taking a small sip of her last remaining drink.

"Does it have anything to do with meeting up with your sister today?" Y/n asks, remembering the conversation you both had last night. Yelena's head tilts to the side and looks at y/n in the eyes.

"Surprised you remember that detail from our conversation, y/n. Have you been daydreaming about our late night chat from yesterday?" She smirks, trying to regain some control over the conversation.

Picking up that you clearly hit a nerve with her, you try to double down and to act cool, you decide to drop the conversation here and play along with her joke.

"You caught me. I was thinking about you in my dreams, babe." Y/n banters back, playing into the topic change. A small pause stops the conversation but just for a few seconds.

"Meeting my sister was fine. No big family homecoming or anything but I wouldn't have expected that." Yelena says before signaling for the bartender and asking for another shot. Y/n takes the last sip of their drink and moves to take their final shot with Yelena as the bartender drops off her third shot. Swallowing the drink, it burns in your mouth a little longer than the first one.

"I'm sorry it wasn't how you expected it to be still. But hey, it at least brought you here to me." You give her a sincere smile.

Yelena and y/n's conversation lasts another hour or so before they both decide they should call it a night. Walking outside and across the street from the bar you both stop to say a final goodbye.

"You need me to stay with you again until your car gets here, like yesterday? I can protect you again." Y/n laughs trying to play off a joke, but also trying to see if they can squeeze in a few more minutes of time spent together before you both inevitably part ways.

Yelena tilts her head and as soon as you can recognize the small twinkle in her eyes that appear, she grabs your arm and twists it behind your back in one swift movement. Now completely behind you with your arm twisted, hard, against your own back she takes a step closer to you with her breath hitting your neck as she breathes hard, not saying a word. Letting her actions speak for itself.

"Yeah I think you got this without me." You quip back, signaling her to drop your arm and back away as you spin to face her and she laughs to herself. "I promise I won't ever doubt your ability to take care of yourself ever again." You and Yelena laugh.

Her car pulls up and just like last night she gets in leaving you behind on the street by yourself. But this time she rolls down the window. "I had fun out with you tonight. Hope we can keep running into each other, babe." She smirks. "I hope so too" you smile. Rolling the window up, the car pulls away, leaving you to walk back to your apartment.

Well, I didn't hate that.



After getting dressed and drinking your coffee, you finish packing the rest of your clothes and take the last duffle bag down to your car. Looking back at your apartment one last time, you put the keys in your car and pull away. After last night with Yelena you are honestly feeling pretty calm about today. Your conversation with her just flowed and helped you calm down and ease some of your general anxieties about all of the changes that have been happening in your life recently.

The drive doesn't take too long for you to reach your destination. Unsure if you should leave all of your stuff in your car or not you decide to grab a single duffle bag and make your way inside. Walking through the sliding doors you scan the lobby and find the elevator that you need. Pressing the code and scanning your fingerprint, you take a deep breath as the elevator doors close and ascend to the top of Avengers Tower, your new home for the next few months or so.

With a ding, the elevator stops and the doors open. You are met by Natasha, already waiting for you. "You must be y/n. I'm Natasha." She says, as if you don't already know who everyone is and everything they are able to do. "Nice to meet you." You reply, extending your hand out to shake hers.

In walks a second woman who you immediately recognize as Wanda. Unintentionally standing up straighter you stare at her as she walks closer to you too. She notices your shift in demeanor and looks at you with a curious look on her face.

Wow, she is beautiful.

"Y/n, this is Wanda." Natasha informs you, gesturing to Wanda as she is now close enough for you to catch the scent of her perfume. Vanilla. "Hi y/n, it's nice to finally meet you." Wanda goes to shake your hand. "It's nice to meet you too." You reply, taking her hand in yours. You notice you lingered in the handshake a little too long and quickly retreat your hand back to your side.

"We are going to show you around today, get you settled into your room, and let you just get acquainted with the space. Tomorrow will be our first day of training with the crew we have right now." Natasha informs you as her and Wanda begin walking through the tower. They show you the training room, kitchen, labs, medical room, and work areas.

"You went to college and studied science right?" Natasha asks. "Yeah I – uh – I wanted to try to learn enough to maybe figure out more about my powers. But never got really far so I stopped my education after earning my 2nd Masters degree. I have one in Microbiology with a focus in Immunology and the other is just in general Biology with an extra focus in Chemistry." You reply, a little too honestly than you would have liked. You don't really like talking about yourself too much, not wanting to be too open with anyone really.

"So you're smart then?" Wanda smirks back sarcastically. "Just averagely smart I would say. Nothing special." you reply modestly. You really did only go to college in an attempt to do what you thought your parents would have wanted but also to try to learn more about your powers. In particular, your ability to heal yourself and take on the pain and injuries of others. No matter how many times you ran your DNA, extracted blood, or studied your cells, nothing stuck out to you.

The two redheaded women round a corner after leaving the labs and usher you into a hallway. Ending the tour at the bedrooms.

"My bedroom is on the other wing but over here we have Vision" pointing to a door a little further down the hall. "Here we have Wanda –" Natasha gestures to Wanda's room across the hall. " – and finally right here we also have Ye– " She is cut off as the door opens. As fast as you could register the door opening the person walking through already clocked you and plasters a smirk on their face.

"Well hey, babe. Definitely didn't think I would be seeing you again so soon." Yelena remarks sarcastically directed toward y/n as she walks into the hallway, out of her room. Wanda's eyes squint slightly in curiosity as she registers what Yelena just said to you. Natasha, staring at her sister with a confused look on her face, just crosses her arms.

Yeah, we definitely need to stop meeting like this.

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