Absolutely Confusing (Chapter 55)

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"Y/N, please head to the common area for game night. If you are not there in 5 minutes Ms. Scary Russian Assassin will, and I quote, "drag your ass out of your room to play some damn games", end quote."

You laugh at FRIDAY still calling Nat 'Ms. Scary Russian Assassin'. "Thanks FRIDAY. Sorry she made you cuss."

"It is no problem, y/n. But I do recommend meeting her soon. I do not believe she was kidding."

"Will do, FRIDAY!"

After washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen in silence with Yelena, you left the area and went back to your room to wait for this game night to finally start. Yelena never offered any explanation as to why she was helping you clean up nor did she ever speak up at all, so you simply left once everything was sorted.

Washing dishes in silence isn't the weirdest thing Yelena has ever done but it was pretty odd and very out of character. I have never seen that girl wash a dish in my life.

I just hope nothing dramatic happens at this game night. I simply could not handle it. I hardly want to go at all but I don't want to let Nat or Wanda down. I sort of promised them I would try to hangout with everyone again and not sulk in my room.

It's still hard being around Yelena and just not knowing how I should be acting or what's ok. I don't want to annoy her or push her away more than I have.. But at this point I don't even know why I care so much since she is pretty far pushed back from where I'm standing.

I haven't hung out with her in weeks. She doesn't even seem bothered by our sort of breakup either. I know she has been doing her normal routine without any interruption and going out almost every night to be with Kate.

She easily replaced all the time she used to spend with me to now spend that time with Kate.

I have no eloquent words to describe how that feels besides, it fucking sucks.

All of this fucking sucks.

And here I am, about to spend a night playing games with someone I used to love playing stupid games with. I taught her how to play fortnite for fucks sake. Playing games of all kinds was sort of our thing. But now, nothing is our thing. Just ignoring each other... that's our thing now I guess.

"Y/n. Get your ass out of your room and come on. Everyone is waiting for you to start the games." Nat marches into your room and wraps her arm around your wrist, yanking you off your bed and toward your door. You put up no fight and follow her on her way out of your room. Before pulling you through the door she abruptly stops and spins to face you. She suspiciously looks in your eyes before opening her mouth to speak.

"I know I am making you do this, but if you don't think you can or just really don't want to I can make an excuse for you and you can stay in here for the night. I can even help Wanda make a quick exit after a few games so she can come back here with you. I know things have not been the best for you recently... I just thought maybe this would be nice for everyone." Nat's voice comes out surprisingly soft and sincere which makes you feel genuinely better about the night ahead.

"You like to hide it but you are a very observant and caring person, Natasha Romanoff." You lightly tease your friend. "Thank you but I can go out there. If I need an out I'll just make a quick exit so you all can continue enjoying your night. You don't have to worry about me, I don't want to ruin anything."

"Here is the thing, I do worry about you. I worry about you because you are important to me. In my experiences so far with you, you never ruin anything, rather you always make them better. You won't be ruining the night if you need to leave. I'll come and check on you afterwards if that's the case though. So you better leave your door unlocked for me."

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