I Couldn't Feel You (Chapter 30)

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It feels like my body has been hit by a freight train. I am in so much fucking pain. And why is it so dark?

Oh wait, my eyes are closed.

God I'm so tired. Maybe I should just keep them closed. I should just shut down, shut my brain off. This hurts too much...


Is that in my head? What is that noise?

Come on y/n, focus for a second. Just figure this out and you can go back to not feeling or thinking.

What is this?

Just focus a little longer... Wait!

It's music. Is this in my head or am I actually hearing this?

It just switched songs. This sounds familiar... next song.

Is this my playlist?

Next song.

Yup, this is my playlist. Why is this playing? But can we take a moment to appreciate my amazing playlist with an even better name, 'Main Character Vibes'.

So my playlist is playing in whatever room I am. What room am I even in right now? It feels like a nice bed, not a hospital bed though. It's way too soft to be a hospital bed. It doesn't feel like my bed though. It sort of smells like a familiar scent.. Is that vanilla?

I should wake up. I can get medicine if I wake up. I can see them if I wake up. I want to see them.

Uh.. What if they don't want to see me though?

Yeah, maybe I should just black back out. That sounds easier than what is to come when I open my eyes.

But my body.. It hurts so bad. I'm healing slower than I thought. I need medicine.

Fuck. I need to wake up.

Come on y/n, open your eyes. Just open them. Get up.

A small amount of light trickles into the room but the soft light is still harsh on your eyes. You squint into the room trying to take in your surroundings. Now that you are focused on your surroundings rather than being stuck inside your body, you can clearly hear the soft music playing from a speaker in the corner of the room.

This isn't my room though. Where am I?

Blinking hard, trying to keep your eyes open and your brain awake, you take a second to scan your body to notice how you're feeling. You feel the bed near your feet is dipped down.

Is somebody in here?

Slowly opening your eyes again you pivot your head from the position it was in to look toward your feet. She didn't notice your slow movement at first and wasn't aware you had woken up. You see her sitting on the edge of the bed, with her head in her hands.

This must be her room. I guess I have never been inside her room before.

Wait, Is she crying?

"Wanda?" Your voice is barely a whisper.

Wanda's body jolts as she stands up and immediately moves to get closer to you. She hesitates as she stands beside you on the side of the bed. Tears are slowly falling down her face but her small smile is what holds your attention. You lift your hand up, pushing through the aching coursing through your entire body, and gently wipe away the tears on her face. Wanda holds your hand against her cheek and leans into your palm. She lets out a sigh and moves to sit on the edge of the bed, careful not to lean her body weight onto you.

Wanda doesn't stay on the bed long, seemingly remembering something, she gets up without a word and rushes to the desk in the room. She comes back with some pills and water. She motions for you to sit up slightly and places the pills in your mouth followed by a straw so you could drink the water. Without question, you swallow the pills and lean back down.

"Pain medicine. I know you are in a lot of pain. We had an IV hooked up to you the first few days but Bruce said he thought you would wake up today so we could move you out of the medical room. I hope it was ok that I brought you to my room."

You give her a nod but a confused look is apparent on your face.

Did she say days?

Without needing you to ask, Wanda begins to explain what happened.

"You have been in your coma for four days now. Once we got back to the tower, Steve got you to the medical room where Bruce and Tony were waiting for you. They took samples of your blood after they ran initial scans to make sure you were relatively ok. Whatever you did to your body, worked. You were ok but your body was sleeping. Even your mind, it was sleeping too." She looks down, a few tears starting to fall but she wipes them away and continues.

"You were in the medical room for 4 days, they let me bring you back here earlier today. It's about 6:00PM right now, so I guess maybe you could say you have been in a coma for 5 days... But Bruce and Tony haven't fully been able to figure out what was in the vial/bullet. They said you were right though, whatever mixture was in the vial did want to bind with your cells. Well, it tried to at least. Apparently your cells kept regenerating too fast or something like that." She hesitates slightly before finishing. "They said – they said that if you didn't do what you did, that my body wouldn't have been able to fight it off." She shakes her head of the thought.

Wanda places her hand gently on your forehead and the other on your heart. She sits like this for a few seconds before sighing in relief.

"Wanda, what are you doing?"

"I couldn't feel you.." she whispers.


With another deep breath, she repeats herself a little louder but still in a whisper. "I couldn't feel you, y/n. When you were laying there on me, no longer talking, I tried to feel you like I usually always can. I can always feel you. Even when we aren't in the same room. It's like you're in my head and my heart. I don't know how to really explain it but I just feel you. But.. I couldn't. For the first time since I met you, I couldn't feel you anymore."

Tears start falling down her face as she retreats her hands from your body. You reach up and hold her hand in yours, rubbing along her knucks as you gently bring her hand back to your heart. You place her hand directly on your chest, above your heart, and place your hand on top of hers.

"What do you feel now?" You ask Wanda.

She wipes the tears from her eyes and meets your gaze. Taking a minute to compose herself she finally smiles at you and leans down. Hovering over your face she places her other hand on your cheek. She looks into your eyes one last time before she closes hers and connects your lips together in a kiss.

Your body and mind light up as her lips press against yours. The pain you have been feeling momentarily dissipates away, allowing you to only feel.. Wanda.

She leans up, breaking the kiss but staying close, she whispers back to you, "I only feel you."


a/n: So how are we feeling people? 

Thoughts on Wanda?

Thoughts on Yelena?

Thoughts on y/n?

Let me know!

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