Nice To Finally Meet You (Chapter 72)

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*Wanda POV*

"Just breathe, y/n. It will be ok. I don't think the world kept you alive this long just for you to die in a freak lab experiment ... I mean my entire life is a freak lab experiment but still! It will be ok, I will be ok. Just remember, all of this is for the plot...

The plot of my life that is. It's a very convoluted plot that doesn't need to be this dramatic but here we are!"

Wanda slightly smiles and huffs at y/n. Though she can't see them, Wanda is still able to easily pick up their racing thoughts from the other side of the door. Y/n agreed that Wanda had free access to their thoughts if they were to be heard during the testing. They may have also softly asked their girlfriend to enter their mind if things got too overwhelming for them, knowing that Wanda's warmth would help ground them during the potential chaos.

"Why did I ever decide I wanted to become an Avenger? That was a shit idea! I should be at my bar right now, drinking way too much alcohol, and getting nagged at by Jessica. Instead I somehow accidentally followed a super hot blonde Russian assassin into a superhero club, decided to stick around, fall in love and maybe... die?????

I mean I know I signed myself up for this but I didn't really expect DEATH to be on the table. Well, I'm on the table but you get what I'm saying!"

Y/n's thoughts go silent for a few seconds, which causes Wanda to start to panic, but they quickly come back.

"Ok, try to inhale air like a normal person. God, why am I sweating so much but also so cold at the same time? I wish I had one of Wanda's oversized sweatshirts right now. It would probably smell like her which would help calm me down a bit...

Wait, is that extremely creepy? Or is it endearing? What is the line between creepy and endearing?

Oh fuck! Wanda is totally listening right now, I just know it... uh hi, gorgeous. Just ignore that potentially creepy comment please."

Wanda lets out another amused huff but doesn't interrupt her listening or processing of the entire situation that is unfolding on the other side of the door.

"Wow, I'm really out of it if I just let Gwen lift up my shirt so easily. Yelena would kill me if she saw that. God, I hope I get to see my little widow again. She might be scary but at least she is mine. I wouldn't change her for anything...

But she would genuinely kill me and Gwen if she saw what just happened. It's a good thing that the door is keeping her from me right now. Not that a door can stop Yelena. At least she is respectful of a closed door, unlike her cockblock of a sister..."

"Why are you laughing right now, Maximoff? What is happening in there??" Yelena pushes herself flatter against the door, trying her best to listen in on what is being said.

Wanda shakes her head, trying to stop her own laughing after hearing y/n's thoughts. "Nothing really. Y/n is just being loud, as per usual. It doesn't sound like they have started yet." Yelena accepts the answer but continues trying to smash her ear against the door, as if that actually helps someone hear what's happening on the other side.

They are trying so hard to hold it together right now. I wish they would have just let me come in there with them, I could have used my magic to ease their anxieties. At the very least I could have held their hand.

This is terrible, being on the other side of this stupid door!

All of this just feels off.

I'm just going to go in there. I don't care that we were told to stay out here. I know they need us. I'm just – 

"Can you feel them?"

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