Jealousy, Jealousy (Chapter 44)

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"Your face is so loud, y/n."

"What the hell does that even mean?"

You lunge toward Nat, attempting to take her down and pin her to the mat, but to your surprise she pivots easily out of your way and swipes your legs, causing you to fall flat on your face into the mat.

"I can tell what you are wanting to do before you even do it. Your face is so expressive sometimes. Before you even took your first step I knew you were going to lunge to my side and try to pin me down. Clearly that didn't work out too well for you though, did it? Hence you on the floor and me standing above you right now." Nat smirks down at you but you quickly push yourself up in a crouching position and take one of your legs to knock Nat behind the knees, causing her to crash on the floor next to you.

"Looks like now you are also on the floor Natasha. Welcome." She gives you an unamused smile and pushes your head slightly away from her as you playfully scoff at her fake annoyance.

"Stop flirting with her, y/n."

You and Nat whip your heads around to see Yelena at the door, looking very huffy at the two of you with her arms crossed and eyes beaming a hole into your head.

The rest of the team all came back to the tower a couple of days ago. Steve and Vision's mission showed that there were new hydra bases popping up all across the country, seemingly training new recruits in mass amounts. What they are training for, the team still wasn't sure of.

Nat and Wanda came up empty handed at the lab, they ended up sneaking inside but the data room that held the server seemed to now be heavily guarded since you and Yelena paid them a visit. They did notice that more scientists were coming in and out of the lab than previously, but it didn't seem like they had finished the next round of the serum yet. Which was a bit of a relief as you weren't ready to deal with that again, the serum took a bigger toll on your body than you admitted to the team or even to yourself. So for now, not having to be put in a position where you needed to take that on again was ideal.

"Stop being so jealous, Yelena. Jealousy doesn't look good on you." Nat quips at her sister who only grows more angry at her response.

Jealousy actually looks fucking hot on her but also a little scary... but mostly hot.

"Shut up, Natasha." She sends a glare at her sister before coming fully into the training room. "I just came in here to remind you both that tonight is Kate's birthday party. I have to head out now but y/n, just text me when you two are heading over." You look up at Yelena and give her a smile as she bends down and takes your hands in hers. She quickly unwraps them for you before throwing the ball of tape at Nat's head.

"Will do! Let me know if you end up needing help with anything or want me to come over early to set up."

"I should be good but if I need anything I'll text you." With that, Yelena quickly flips her sister off and leaves the training room.

"Tonight should be really fun for you." Nat stands and extends her hand to help you up, which you gladly accept.

"Yeah, I'm honestly a little surprised Kate invited me but I'll take it. I do really like her, I mean she is so nice. She is like a golden retriever, so how can someone not like her you know. I also had Tony help me with her present. I think it's kind of cool but it also could be extremely dumb so we will see later if she likes it."

"What did you get her?" You and Nat leave the training room and you drag her to your room where Kate's present sits on your desk. You point to it and Nat gives you a confused look.

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