Good Heart (Chapter 35)

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"Yelena, I thought we were going to get some drinks and then go back to my place for a movie?" Kate tries dragging Yelena by the arm toward the bar across the street but can't get her to move.

"I know, but I was thinking we could go back to the tower and hangout there?"

"Why would we do that?" Kate asks, slightly annoyed by the change of plans.

"Why wouldn't we do that?"

Yelena met Kate at the bar they were meant to go to tonight but they never made it inside. She wanted to spend time with Kate but she didn't want it to impact her relationship with Y/N, whatever that relationship was. Ever since y/n woke up, Yelena has done her best at proving to them that she was sorry. She notices their hesitancy whenever they start bantering like old times, like they are holding themself back from fully leaning back into their relationship, whatever that relationship is.

"I don't know Yelena, maybe because the last time I was there you yelled at Y/N and then they jumped over the railing... I still don't even know how they didn't die. I thought they were just strong. Can they fly or something too?" Kate huffs as she notices that Yelena has no intention of actually following through with the plans they made for tonight.

"They technically fell gracefully." Yelena shrugs, earning an unamused look from Kate.

"You still never told me why you got so mad at them. Or even what sort of relationship you two have... seeing you two interact.. it was interesting, that's for sure." Kate puts her hands in her pockets and starts to shuffle around, slightly nervous about the response she is about to hear.

"I already told you how we met. They are my friend, probably my best friend I guess. We call one another 'babe' sometimes just as banter. It doesn't mean anything, it's just for laughs." Yelena trails off.

It's just for laughs because I don't think they are interested in me. I think I ruined that opportunity. I also have no idea what exactly is going on between the two of us. I really need to figure this shit out.

"You still aren't telling me why you got so mad at them during the game though. Did you want them to kiss you?"

I mean yes. I'm pretty sure that was obvious from my outburst.

"I just had too much to drink and was talking nonsense. They are just my friend and so are you, so I simply want us all to hangout. I thought it could be fun for all of us to start hanging out more." Yelena deflects, but it goes terribly wrong.

"Oh so we are just friends? That's interesting, Yelena. I don't usually have my friends moaning my na–"

Yelena presses her hand over Kate's mouth. "Don't finish that sentence Kate Bishop." She deadpans as Kate licks her hand, resulting in Yelena dropping her hand from Kate's mouth.

"Can't we maybe do something with everyone on a different day? I was really looking forward to taking you home tonight." Kate wraps her arms around Yelena and pulls her in closer to her body.

"We can do that another time, Kate. Please can we just go back to the tower and hangout there?" Yelena's accent comes out thick and she gives Kate a slight pouty face.

With a roll of her eyes Kate unwraps her arms from around Yelena and takes a step back. "Fine. But you owe me, Yelena. And you know how I want to be paid."


"We will head up and hangout for a while. I promise it won't be terrible. Thank you for letting us change our plans tonight."

The elevator dings and the two women walk out. Nat is finishing her phone call and eyes Yelena as she walks into the room with Kate by her side. Yelena misses her mumble but Kate catches it, "well this should be good".

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