Choking on Your Fears (Chapter 54)

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Welcome back to my head.

The narrator is on vacation (or is just being lazy, who really knows) so you are stuck with me right now while I catch you up on what's been going on.

Just a preface, I've been binge watching a lot of tv which may or may not be heavily influencing my personality right now.. you've been warned.


Just kidding. More like my version of a terrible time.

It's been a little over two weeks since that awesome conversation with Yelena. If you were wondering, she did in fact come back with some food for me but I wasn't in the mood for company. I knew I couldn't keep up a facade so I just accepted the meal and let her go about the rest of her day.

Since that conversation, Yelena and I have not spent any time one on one together. I have been around her a little bit but not much. Just in training sessions or in the kitchen. It is all cordial but pretty obvious to everyone that something is off. Nat and Wanda keep tiptoeing around the subject of Yelena, not sure how I will react or what is going on, but I don't really have it in me to explain it to them.

Since I haven't been hanging out with Yelena, I have found myself spending more time with Wanda and Nat as this little trio. I think they both just like taking care of me.

It's kind of hard though, I feel like I can't really spend a ton of time with Nat because I don't want it to seem like I am taking her away from her sister. I don't want Yelena to feel I am taking up too much space around the tower or monopolizing time with her sister. So because of that I have mostly found myself doing extra training sessions alone, or just being in my room (once again alone).

Wanda has been really understanding with me and I appreciate her for that. We have spent time just the two of us, but she is giving me some time and space to try and feel better and sort out my head. Last night we watched a movie in her room and she helped me fall asleep.

Probably not shocking, but I haven't been sleeping. FRIDAY snitched on me to Wanda and Nat one day to let them know that my body's energy level dropped to 45% due to the lack of sleep. It's not like I am actively trying not to sleep, I just can't. I can't seem to shut my brain off long enough to fall asleep, and if I do sleep at all I always wake up a few hours later out of a nightmare. So sleeping isn't exactly enjoyable. But last night being next to Wanda really helped. I was able to not only fall asleep relatively easily, but I didn't have a single nightmare.

And you don't have to even say it, yes I was the little spoon.

Moving on.

It's been a few weeks since the mission and the drama that followed, which means Nat of course thought it would be a great time for a group game night. She was explicit in pointing out that this game night would NOT include excessive drinking since this group and alcohol tends to create some sticky situations.

I am currently sitting on the edge of my bed in just a sports bra and underwear trying to think of something to wear. I know we are just playing games but I haven't really left the tower in a long time and I've been living in sweats since I have been spending most of my time in my room on my bed.

Well, that's pretty much everything though.

And that's what you missed on Glee!

A knock pulls you out of thought as you become aware of your surroundings. "Y/n, can I come in?"

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