Yelena (Chapter 3)

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The sound of the door thudding closed echoes in her ear as she pulls the seatbelt across her body, clicking it in place. Without a word, the driver pulls away toward the hotel she is staying at.

That was an interesting encounter, she thinks to herself as she replays the last 20 minutes back in her head. Why did I let them pull me away from the bar and walk me down the street like I needed saving? I know for a fact I could have taken each and every one of those guys. And why did I say anything about my sister? They are a complete stranger, but maybe that made it easier to open up to them, knowing that our conversation would never go anywhere... oh well.

As her thoughts about the night finally start to slow down the car pulls up to her hotel where she heads up to her room.

Yelena, like she told y/n, is here to do some work with her sister, Natasha. Natasha is currently staying in New York at the Avengers Tower with a few other Avengers. They have been doing a few missions here and there for various reasons, none of which Natasha shared over the phone, but she did invite Yelena to come help out. A few of the members have stepped away to be with their family so they had openings for some new recruits. Yelena was meant to start tomorrow and stay for a few months, if it all worked out. She hadn't seen Natasha in years, so getting the call was shocking to say the least, but not unwanted.

Putting her key card into the door, Yelena enters her hotel room and quickly changes out of her clothes. She opted not to wear anything too fancy out tonight as she only planned to drink alone to ease her mind and nerves (her green jacket being her safety blanket of sorts). Washing the grime of the city off of her face, she gets into bed trying to stop herself from overthinking the day to come in the morning.

It's been a little while since she has been on any sort of mission, let alone a mission with strangers. Always finding it hard to connect with people the way they want to be connected with, she has given up on really putting herself into any sort of situations where any form of a relationship or deeper connection may arise. As you can expect, that means she doesn't have many friends, which is why Natasha calling her and inviting her to town is weighing so heavily on her mind. She wants to reconnect and have a relationship with her sister, she just knows she isn't good at it. But neither is her sister and she has a support system around her. Well really she has a family. A chosen family, but still a family. So why can't she also have these same things?

Laying in bed with her eyes shut, Yelena tries to silence her mind to allow for sleep to take over. In an attempt to think about anything else, she pushes every flash of thought about her sister out of her mind until she begins thinking about her conversation outside of the bar. Her mind drifts to the sound of y/n's voice calling her "babe" as they put their arm around her during their little charade. Recalling how easy it was to wrap her arm around y/n's waist as they both walked down the street. Yelena questions again why she let them act like that toward her. She didn't need saving, even if she had been drinking. But something about y/n's presence put her in a state of instant trust and openness. Like she could relax for the first time in a long time.

Finally drifting to sleep, one last thought pops into her mind before it shuts off for the night.


What a beautiful name for a beautiful person.


a/n - First 3 chapters of this story! I tend to find my mind runs wild with made up scenarios all the time so I thought I would try putting them down on paper. I know the first few chapters are short but they will start to get longer here soon. I already have a bunch written but will upload more another day. For now I hope the story is interesting (for anyone that is even reading it!).  Let me know any thoughts so far if you feel like sharing. 

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