The World Once Again Goes Black (Chapter 81)

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"Fuck, Kate, not so fast!"

"Come on, beautiful, I know you can do it."

Y/n spins around, continuing to slowly skate backwards, as they look back at Kate and Yelena. Kate is holding one of Yelena's hands in hers as she tries to tug the blonde forward with her as she picks up speed. Yelena is simply doing her best to stay upright as Kate continues speeding up her own movements.

"Do not call me that name, Kate Bishop." Yelena tries to come off stern but all of the authority in her voice slips as she stumbles over her own skates, nearly falling into the ice. Luckily Kate is there to catch her and keeps Yelena on her feet.

There is no way this is ending well. I thought Yelena has been here before? I guess she did say they didn't do much skating... whatever that means.

"Oh come on, Yelena. I am just telling the truth. Take the compliment." Kate spins her body so now she is holding onto both of Yelena's hands, guiding her forward, as she skates backwards. You watch the two, smiling at their interaction.

Is it weird for me to feel this happy seeing Kate and Yelena together? I don't know, it's just genuinely heartwarming to see Yelena be so cute and soft with Kate. Kate clearly can make her feel comfortable enough to be in the moment and enjoy her life, which is something I am so thankful for. I mean, Yelena deserves it. She deserves to experience life, to live her life. Getting the chance to see that play out in front of me is just a special thing.

But that's weird, right? Shouldn't that be weird?

I mean last night Yelena and I... did some fun extracurricular activities, and now I am here with her not-not-girlfriend and her, on a somewhat 3 way date?

Kate feels so comfortable to me though, and I genuinely enjoy every minute I have had the chance to be around her and get to know her (again). It seems like she likes me too, I think we are or could be really good friends even considering the situation we are in.

Or am I so far off and just overthinking everything? Maybe to Yelena whatever we are is just friends... but friends who do intimate exercises together? Maybe Kate doesn't care that Yelena is close to me as long as it's not replacing her or that Yelena doesn't put me over Kate.

I don't know what I'm saying. I guess I should just be in the moment. Maybe I don't need to have whatever this is with Yelena to be cemented in stone, making it so finite. Maybe we just need to be here, together, in our moment.

It feels weird though. It feels like I could lov–

"Stop daydreaming about Yelena and keep up, y/n!"

Kate rushes by you, officially leaving Yelena to struggle on her own as she clings to the wall behind you. Blinking away your initial shock at Kate's words, you bend down and push yourself against the ice and rush in her direction. You quickly catch up to her and gently wrap your arm around her waist, making sure the two of you keep the same pace. Building your confidence, you feel Kate slightly tense under your touch. Keeping your pace, you lean closer to her and talk in a low voice so only she can hear, "It wasn't Yelena who I was daydreaming about, beautiful."

As soon as the words leave your mouth you gently remove your hand from her waist and continue skating forward, slightly leaving Kate behind you as she seems to be buffering at your comment. With a smile on your face, you speed through the different people, circling around the rink to come up behind Yelena who is still hanging off of the wall near where Kate left her a few minutes ago.

You stop in front of her and spin so you are now facing her, leaving you to slowly inch your way backwards as she shuffles her skates forward against the ice. "Having fun?" Your question is laced in sarcasm, unable to wipe the giant goofy smile off of your face. It's not everyday that one of the worlds greatest assassins and spies stands in front of you, holding on to a wall for dear life because she is unable to keep herself upright on a pair of ice skates.

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