Don't Call Me That (Chapter 39)

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What was in the air today to make all of these moments happen?

What did I do to deserve that dinner with Wanda tonight? I mean, was that a date? There is no way that was a date... she would have called it a date if it was.

She said she wanted to do better and spend more time with me but maybe that's all that was. Physical touch is both of our love languages so it makes sense that we fell into a cuddly position, especially in that situation.

Ok, but we kissed. That's not a normal everyday friend activity.

Why do I overthink everything and make it all so much harder than it needs to be. Just assume it wasn't a date and move on...

Shit! She can probably hear how loud I'm thinking right now. I really need to get a grip.

"Uh, Wanda?"

After your 'friendly hangout' with Wanda, the two of you decided to wind down your night by watching a movie in her room. During your small existential crisis, Wanda was scrolling through Netflix, looking for a movie to start.

"Yes, gorgeous?"

Please lord give me strength.

"Be honest with me... how much of my extremely loud thoughts did you just hear?"

She gives you an apologetic smile, letting you know she did in fact hear some of your thoughts. Slightly lifting herself up she leans in closer to you and connects your lips in a soft and sincere kiss. Her sincerity sends buzzing throughout your body and eases your mind instantly.

"Yes, it was a date. At least, I was hoping we could count it as a date." Your eyes stayed closed as Wanda pulled away and began speaking. Once what she said hits you, your eyes shoot open to meet hers. Wanda's eyes are slightly nervous as she stares in your direction waiting for your response.

Holy shit. It was a date.

Say something back to her you idiot!

"It was the sweetest date I have ever been on. Thank you for everything you did tonight." You lean in quickly and give her cheek a small kiss before she lays back down and continues to shuffle through the movies on her computer.

Fuck. I need to ask her or I am not going to be able to let myself lean into this moment. Why can't I just not care so much? Maybe I can just push it –

"Please ask me your question, y/n. I don't want you to put yourself in a position where you are hurting on the inside just to try to make things easier for me."

"Someday you are going to teach me how to not think so loud, ok?"

You take in a deep breath and close your eyes, trying to calm the nerves in your body. Wanda moves the laptop from between the two of you over to the side, so she can sit closer to you. Both of your bodies are now sitting up, with your backs against her headboard. She grabs your hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze, signaling you that it was ok to be honest with her about what is going on in your mind.

"I know you say nothing is going on between you and Vision, but it's still extremely hard to convince myself that that's the truth. You two are always together one on one, you seem to always gravitate toward him which makes it hard for me to try and find time to spend with you, and .. I know this is ridiculous, but when we played 'never have I ever' you drank to the statement about sleeping with someone in the tower.. Did you and Vision sleep together? I mean it's totally ok if you did obviously! I'm not trying to make a fuss over that or past relationships. I just – I don't know –"

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