Alternate Universe (Chapter 7)

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It has been a week since you arrived at the Avengers Tower. You've been focusing on training and trying to fit into the group. It's been hard trying to find your place among the other members of the tower. Besides you and Yelena, everyone has known each other for years now. Even though Yelena is technically new, she is still Nat's sister so regardless of the fact they haven't seen each other in a long time, they seemed to be clicking and getting along just like you would expect sister too. Yelena is constantly annoying Nat and Nat is constantly trying to get Yelena to be more mature. That's never going to happen.

Not a surprise, you and Yelena spend a lot of your time together, finding comfort in being the new ones to the group. Most of the time you find yourselves just bantering back and forth and trying to fluster the other person. It makes for an interesting time, though some of the other avengers have a hard time with your sarcasm and can't really tell when you're joking around or not.

There is one person you have been trying your best to find time to talk to, Wanda. You can't seem to think of a good enough excuse to talk to her for an extended amount of time. Every time you think you found your stride with her, Vision seems to come out of nowhere (he literally phased through a wall the other day) and joins in or interrupts the conversation. Deciding to be bold and to just go for it, you finish getting ready for the day and head over to her room.

Hesitating, you knock on her door three times. What feels like forever, you wait awkwardly outside of Wanda's room. Why is it taking her so long to come to the door.... This was a terrible idea. Just as you begin to contemplate turning around and hiding in your room, her door swings open. "Hey, y/n." "Hey, Wanda." You can feel your face burning but hope your cheeks aren't showing the heat you feel inside of you. "I was going to leave the tower and head to Alias to track a potential lead on a case, and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to join me? I thought it might be nice to get out of this super small and cramped tower and spend some time in a really spacious and not at all sketchy office." You ramble off, trying to come off sarcastic and like you don't care too much about her answer either way. Way to play it cool, y/n.

"Honestly, sure. I could use some time away from here. Let me finish getting ready and I'll meet you at the elevator in a few minutes." Well that was unexpected. "Great! I'll see you upfront in a few minutes. Hope you're ready to be amazed at how good of a PI I am." You smile and head directly to your room, grabbing a jacket, your camera, some folders, and your laptop. You shove the items in your backpack and quickly make your way to the elevator. Not sure if it was from rushing or if you're nervous, but you do your best to dry your damp hands on your pants before you see Wanda rounding the corner towards you.

You drive Wanda to Alias investigations and park your car right in front of the building doors. "This is where your office is?" She asks with a confused look on her face. "Yeah, pretty fancy isn't it?" You laugh and walk inside toward the elevator.

Like the building is trying to embarrass you, the elevator doors get stuck and you have to pry them open yourself after giving them a quick punch. "The office is just that one at the end of the hall. I just need to grab some files, call the client to confirm the location, and then we can head out to do a stake out. It honestly shouldn't take too long, maybe 3 hours total." You're starting to second guess inviting her, nervous that all of this PI stuff isn't too exciting in reality and you don't want her to be bored.

"Sounds good. No worries if it takes longer, I don't mind. Thanks again for inviting me out." She smiles as you put the key in the door and welcome her into the office. Wanda walks over to the couch and takes a seat, immediately pulling out her phone checking her messages. She makes a face as she reads through her phone, clearly a little annoyed at whatever she is reading.

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