Sounds Like an Adventure (chapter 18)

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The elevator opens up welcoming you and Yelena back to the tower. You head directly to one of the team rooms where Nat and Steve are waiting for you both. You give them a debrief on how the mission went and slide the USB drive to them as you finish your story.

" – and of course when she came down out of the ceiling ducts she did a fighting pose, looking just like you Nat." Yelena smacks the back of your head as soon as you finish your story.

"Calm down children." Nat smirks as she grabs the USB off the table and places it in her pocket.

"The hope is whatever information you were able to pull from their servers will tell us what they are up to. Over the past month this lab has had more high ranking and world renowned scientists spending their time working on whatever it is they are doing. This lab has been more active than we have seen up there in years. You two got what we needed as our first step to figuring this out. You did well." Steve looks at both of you as he says his last sentence. Yelena looks at you and gives you a smile.

"Thanks Steve. I really appreciate the opportunity to be here helping you all. I'm also thankful my first mission was with Yelena. I don't think it would have gone as well for me if I was paired up with anyone else." Steve nods at you and you notice Nat giving you a smile.

"Steve and I will review the information you both gathered and decide next steps. Great job." Nat nods as you both get up leaving the room.

"Thanks for being my partner on my first mission, little widow."

"Y/n, I swear, stop calling me that."

"Never." You smirk as you make your way into your bedroom and Yelena goes to hers.

Tossing your bag in the corner of your room, you grab your laptop off your desk and flop onto your bed. Opening up your computer you find 5 new emails from potential clients for Alias. After sifting through those emails you notice a missed email from before you left. It's from your current client letting you know that their brother-in-law is leaving for a "trip" and will be gone for 2 weeks. He leaves Tuesday which means you'll have to follow him from his house to wherever it is he is headed and stake him out for a couple of days to gather intel.

Wait. Tomorrow is Tuesday! Fuck, I have to leave TOMORROW morning!

You quickly respond to your client and let them know you will be at the house to follow the brother-in-law tomorrow morning when he leaves for his "trip". Closing your laptop you head to the bathroom to take a shower. Throwing on some music, you turn the shower on and clean off the grime and must of the long car ride you just finished.

Stepping out of the bathroom you dry off and put on your sports bra and underwear before going back into your room. You go to throw the towel you were using to dry your hair into the laundry when you hear someone clear their throat.

"Hey y/n."

"What the fuck! Wanda, you scared me. Why are you in my room?" You jumped as soon as you heard Wanda speak up and quickly remembered you weren't fully dressed. She looks at you and quickly scans your body. Noticing the red spread across your face she moves her eyes away from your body with a smirk plastered across her own face.

You quickly throw on a sweatshirt and some shorts as you try to compose yourself.

"Wanda, care to explain why you are in my room?"

"Sorry, I knocked and I heard the music so I thought I would just wait for you. I didn't expect you to not realize I was in here before you came out of the bathroom." She says a little shyly.

"You're fine. Just didn't expect to come out of my bathroom to your eyes looking me up and down." You smirk. "But seriously, what's up? Why are you in my room?"

"You didn't say you were back but I saw Yelena so I wanted to come see how the mission went."

"Yeah sorry, we got back and immediately debriefed with Nat and Steve. The mission itself was super simple. We had one small incident but I handled it like a pro." You shrug and give Wanda a cheeky smile.

"What happened? What did you do wrong?"

"Hey now! I didn't do anything wrong. Yelena was taking way too long with the USB and the guards somehow knew she was in the server room and were on their way to her. I had to improvise to get her more time so I spilled my water all over them which caused them to hesitate long enough for her to climb through the vents and get out of there."

"It sounds like Yelena did all the work and you just drank some water." She laughs.

"No way! I had a very important role in this mission." You pout at her. Wanda just rolls her eyes at you.

"Anyway. So after getting back to the hotel we just hung out until coming back today. We did our debrief, and then I came back to my room and started going through my emails. I actually have a case I need to follow up on tomorrow so I have to leave in the morning for a few days."

"Wait, you're already leaving again?" Wanda asks, a little disappointed.

"Yeah unfortunately. I wish I could chill a bit before heading out again honestly."

I wish you could come with me.

Wanda looks up at you, meeting your eyes and gives you a small smile. "Are you going alone or is someone going with you?" She asks.

Wait, would she want to go with me? Fuck it. I am just going to ask her.

"I was just going to go alone but honestly I would rather have company. Would you want to come with me?"

Instantly a smile spreads across Wanda's face and you mirror her action by plastering a smile on your face.

"Yeah I'll go with you. Sounds like an adventure."

"Great! We will leave to go follow the guy I'm staking out early in the morning. We will need to leave here by 5am to get to his house since I was told he plans to leave by 5:30am. I don't know where he is going but my client thinks he drives a few hours away to meet up with his second family of sorts. So we will need to follow him to wherever it is he is going and get a hotel nearby for a few days to gather information on what he does when he is gone and who he is spending time with."

"Got it. Since it's already almost 5pm, I am going to head back to my room and pack so I'm ready in the morning. Oh, and I'll have to let Vision know too since I was supposed to cook dinner with him again tomorrow." She says the last sentence more to herself but you still hear her.

"Why do you even cook dinner with him? He can't even eat?"

Wanda's eyebrows raise at your comment and she gives you a small smirk. "Is that jealousy I am sensing?"

"That would be hard since there isn't anything for me to be jealous of. Like I said, the guy can't even eat. He is missing out on one of the best things about being alive." You laugh.

Wanda shakes her head at your comment and moves toward the door to leave.

"Thanks for inviting me. I'm excited to spend more time with you." She smiles before she shuts the door behind her.

She's excited to spend more time with me? 

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