You Hurt Me (Chapter 87)

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"Good morning, dorogoy."

Soft kisses are placed across your face. Her lips start at your jaw, lightly pressing up to your cheek. She kisses the freckles that are scattered along your cheeks and nose. Making her way up, her lips make contact with your forehead, lingering here for a little longer than her other kisses. Wanda's hands gently cup your face as she presses another kiss into your forehead.

"Morning, gorgeous." As she pulls away from the kiss you quickly wrap your arms around her and tug her body to lay down with you. She rests half on the bed, half sprawled over top of you with her head resting on your chest. Wanda giggles at your attempt of getting her to lay back down and stay in bed a little longer with you.

"We need to get up, bubs." Your head snaps up to look at her. The use of the nickname floods you with memories, both of Wanda but also your family. Noticing your slight shift in emotion, Wanda slides one of her hands across your cheek, caressing your skin as her thumb gently traces over you. "Why do we need to get up? Can't we just stay in here?"

She shakes her head and gives your cheek a kiss. "We have to go train with Natasha today. I don't think she will be as understanding if we skip out on another workout again."

"But we didn't skip out on a workout. I got plenty of cardio last night." As soon as the smug smirk flashes across your face, a pillow collides with your head. Unable to hold it back any longer, you burst out in laughter, only earning another light hit on the chest from Wanda whose face burns a scarlet red.

"Do not tell Natasha that." Wanda shoves her face against your body, hiding in the crook of your neck. Once your laughter dies down a bit you wrap up Wanda once again and gently rub up and down her back. "Don't worry, I won't. I don't exactly want to endure her endless teasing about it, or her jealousy." Wanda once again shoots up a little at your words.

"She does seem jealous sometimes, doesn't she?"

"Only a little, and not in a possessive way. I think she just would like to also have some of your time. She is a big quality time person, even if she doesn't want to admit it."

Wanda looks at you with a confused look on her face. When she doesn't offer any further context you give her your own confused look. "What? What did I say?"

"You're telling me you seriously think Natasha is jealous because she wants to spend time with... me?"

"Yes?... what am I missing right now?"

Wanda laughs and tucks some hair behind her ear before leaning down and kissing your nose. Involuntarily you scrunch your nose at the contact which earns you a wide smile from the woman laying on top of you.

"You're so smart y/n, but so oblivious. It's kind of endearing, it makes you cute."

"Ok, care to elaborate? I'll take the cute compliment but I seriously don't understand. Natasha clearly gets a little jealous when we are spending time together, so what am I missing?"

"It's not me she is jealous over, it's you. Natasha never acted like this when I was with Vis–"

"No need to finish that sentence. I get it." Wanda gives you a sheepish look in apology. If the two of you hadn't just made up, and I mean really made up, you might have felt a bit insecure about her bringing up Vision, but it wasn't him that spent the night last night. And if you had any choice in the matter, he will never spend another night with Wanda ever again.

"Does that make you jealous?"

"You and Natasha?" You hum, letting her know that's what you meant. "I guess sometimes. But honestly ever since that night at the club I feel really confident in you and her's relationship. You were really respectful about that entire kissing and dancing situation." You kiss the top of her head, happy you were able to make her comfortable in that situation (and if you're being honest, happy you finally remember that night). "Plus it was hot watching you two. I wouldn't mind that again."

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