Nightmare (Chapter 20)

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Wanda ended up stepping out of the room to talk to Vision for a while, leaving you along with your thoughts. After about 30 minutes of her being gone you decided to just get ready for bed. You grabbed a blanket and extra sheet from out of the closet and snagged a pillow from off of the bed, making your way to the ground near the window. You slide your headphones over your head and close your eyes. You put on some Rex Orange County and the song Television / so Far so Good begins to play. You can feel Wanda come back into the room so you turn up your music and keep your eyes shut tight. She doesn't disturb you, only gets herself ready for bed quickly and turns off the lights before crawling into the bed.

It takes you a couple hours to finally fall asleep. Usually whenever your body finally lets you fall asleep it simply goes black and then you wake up to a later time of night or, on a good night, you wake up to the light of the new day. Of course tonight was different.

Tonight, your mind does what it never does, it dreams. But these aren't just normal dreams, you are having a nightmare. A nightmare of your accident. Your brain keeps replaying the impact and your body being impaled by glass and metal. You can feel the blood leaving your body, but just like that day, you can't hear anything. Your mind forces you to see your brother but skips the part where he tells you he loves you. Your body feels the same pain you felt that day. The physical and emotional pain on a constant loop. It doesn't stop, it just keeps replaying. Every emotion and ounce of pain demanding to be felt.

Suddenly you feel something on your cheek and your body instantly wakes you up and shoots you into a sitting position.

It's dark, you can't see anything and your hearing is muffled. All you can truly hear at first is your own heartbeat. Before you can spiral even more the feeling on your cheek returns and in an instant you can clearly make out Wanda's voice.

"Y/n, please look at me. You're ok. I promise you're ok. It was a nightmare but it's over now." Her voice is soothing and almost helps you calm down before the images of your nightmare come flooding back into your mind. Wanda wipes the tears from your face that you didn't realize were there.

"It's not over." You manage to breathe out.

"What do you mean? It was a nightmare, but you are awake now." Confusion found in her response.

"It wasn't a nightmare, but more of a memory. A memory of the accident. So no, it's not over. It will never be over. I'm just –"

Wanda continues to hold your face as you talk. Wiping the tears that you gave up trying to hold back.

Broken. I'm broken and it doesn't matter if she sees how broken I really am. She will never like me back anyway.

"You're not broken y/n. I'm sorry you had to experience that again." She whispers, trying to continue calming you down, but she meets your eyes and looks at you confused. You furrow your eyebrows together, looking at her annoyed.

"Why are you in my head?" You say almost angrily.

Wanda tilts her head in confusion. "Y/n, I'm not in your head. What are you talking about?"

"If you're not in my head, then why did you say that I'm not broken? Clearly I am." You whisper the last part.

"I promise I wasn't in your head. It just – It felt like something I should say. It just came out." She looks at you pleadingly and you can tell by the way her eyes are looking into yours that she is telling the truth.

Relaxing your face you give her a nod, accepting her answer and move to make your way back into your makeshift bed on the floor. Somehow during your interaction you scrambled across the room when you jolted awake.

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