I Could Never Replace You (Chapter 80)

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"What did you just call me?" Yelena breaks the short kiss that y/n was able to place on her lips. She looks up at y/n who is still hovering over her. Their eyes now open wider than before, clearly thinking through what they could have just said that would cause Yelena to stop their previous actions.

"I– uhm. What?" Y/n visibly gulps and begins to move away from the blonde, but before they can get very far Yelena reaches up and grabs y/n by their shirt collar. She drags them closer to her body, connecting their lips in a kiss. After a few seconds, she pulls away just enough to get a good look at y/n.

"Say it again." Yelena's eyes never leave y/n's. The realization finally washes over them. Their eyes go soft, mimicking the vibe of the small smile that sits on their face. In the most gentle voice they can muster, y/n shines back at the woman below them as they happily give her what she wants.

"Little widow."

Yelena pulls them back down into another kiss, longer than the last one, but still soft and full of emotion. "Again", she whispers as she breaks apart from them once more.

"Little widow." Y/n grants her request and again, Yelena pulls them back down for another kiss, but this time the kiss is broken after a few seconds by y/n. Yelena keeps her eyes closed, holding on to the lingering feeling of both the kiss and the sound of the name that she used to pretend to dislike finally coming out of y/n's mouth like it never left.

"You'll always be my little widow, Yelena." At their words, Yelena's eyes flutter open. Immediately catching y/n's as they try to show her that there will never be a situation where the blonde under them will ever be less than anyone else. Y/n wants to give Yelena all the reassurance she needs to know that she is special, that she is as much theirs as they are hers.

Unsure who initiated, not that either are complaining, the two's lips are once again connected. This time not to be broken by anymore admissions of love (not that either of them would dare say that word out loud to the other). Their lips dance together, finding a rhythm that feels more than familiar to y/n.

The sense of familiarity is all they need to wash away the tiny bits of doubt that still lingered in the fog of their mind. Being pulled in closer by Yelena's hands that are, once again, tangled in the back of their hair, Y/n pushes their lips harder into Yelena's. With a huff, Yelena's lips are parted enough for y/n to slip their tongue in her mouth. She doesn't fight the kiss but rather gives into y/n, wanting nothing more than to be theirs once again.

Y/n's free hand slides gently down Yelena's body, stopping at the hem of her shirt. Slowly breaking the kiss, they tug on her shirt to get her attention. "Is it ok if..." Their words trail off as they look down at their own hand that fiddles with the fabric.

With a nod, Yelena lifts herself up slightly to help you discard her shirt haphazardly in the room. As soon as the balled up shirt hits the ground, Yelena's hands are on the bottom of yours, silently asking for you to do the same. You smile and move your hands to the bottom of your shirt, ready for it to be discarded along with Yelena's, but a wave of hesitancy rushes over your body.

Has – has she seen my scars before? What if she hasn't? What if this is the first –

A soft hand on your face brings you back out of your spiraling thoughts. Scooting herself up in a sitting position still underneath you, leaving you straddling her waist with your legs on either side of her thighs, Yelena brings your attention back to her eyes.

Without a word, she takes her free hand and immediately finds one of the larger scars you have on your side. Almost instinctively, you close your eyes at her touch, but before the panic can spread through your body you feel as her fingers gently trace the scar. Her movements are soft and full of care. You feel as the hand that was once on your face leaves its place and lands on the other side of your body, mimicking her other hand by gently tracing another scar.

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