Late Night Talking (Chapter 36)

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The group ended up eating the food and watching a movie together before deciding to disperse for the night. After the movie ended, Vision appeared out of nowhere and asked Wanda if she wanted to go on a night walk with him. Without much hesitation, Wanda ended up leaving with him before you even knew what was happening. Nat went down the hall toward her room, leaving you alone with Kate and Yelena.

"I think I am going to head home now. It was great getting the chance to know you more y/n." Kate sends a sweet smile in your direction.

"I'm glad I didn't scare you off after jumping from the side of the building the last time you saw me. I'm really sorry about that by the way."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. Next time just let me know when you're going to do it so I can get a better view. It looked really cool!"

"Not as cool as what you can do with a bow! But thanks Kate. I really appreciated getting the chance to hangout with you. Maybe we can do it again if you wanted... or well if Yelena allows me in your presence since I'm clearly the problem child that needs to be hidden." You give Yelena a nudge trying to show it's a joke.

"That sounds cool. I would like to hangout again." Kate smiles and tries to catch Yelena's gaze, clearly wanting her to walk her out or even go home with her.

Yelena eventually catches on and gives you a small smile before walking Kate to the elevator. You watch the pair go inside as the doors close behind them.

Yeah, Yelena is not coming back up. I don't blame her though. I mean look at Kate! I wouldn't be coming back up either if I was her.

You turn off all the lights in the main room you all had been hanging out in and head back down toward your room. Feeling your head swarm with thoughts and emotions you quickly grab your headphones and put on some music. You lay in bed on your back and close your eyes, giving in to your racing mind as Late Night Talking by Harry Styles plays through your headphones.

I don't really know what to think anymore about this Wanda and Vision thing. She said they aren't dating but she has never really fully answered me whenever I have asked about their relationship status. Clearly something is going on between them... or am I just paranoid?

Bruh, I almost forgot! She definitely drank during that never have I ever question about sleeping with someone in the room. She hadn't slept with me at that point yet, so it has to be the robot.

Wait.. can they even... you know?

Moving on.

Maybe she slept with Nat. That is a story I would be interested in hearing about. Wonder if they would be open to a reenactment with me?

Ok no, why are you thinking like this?

Also, imagine if somehow Nat and I ever hooked up. Yelena would literally put a bullet in me. Her jealousy can be a little hot though...

Y/n, you're talking about her putting a bullet in you. That's a little intense. What is wrong with you tonight?

Fuck.. that shit I said in the elevator to Yelena. Why can't I just lie sometimes or omit the truth? Yeah, everything I said was true but I can't let her think that I might care about her more than a friend. I mean, I don't know. I guess I kind of do. I don't think I have sexual feelings about her though? Do I?

Ok yeah I can't even lie to myself, she is hot. We all see it! I'm not blind! Plus her personality really just kind of makes me feel at ease around her.


I already have enough problems in the romance department. Why do I have to live with so many attractive and complex women?

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