I Love You // 3 Squeezes (Chapter 65)

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"I need some air." You push off the bed and try to walk past Natasha but she catches your arm. Not having much fight in you right now, you reluctantly stop your movements and pause your attempt to leave the room.

"Don't you dare jump off the balcony and leave again, y/n."

"I didn't plan on it. I just really need some air. Please." Y/n refuses to look up at Natasha or over at Wanda who has yet to say anything. Nat drops her grip from your arm and you quickly make your way out of the room.

Keep it together. Keep it together. It will be fine. It won't be as bad as you're making it out to be.

Just breathe. Gwen and Bruce are literal geniuses. They will make sure nothing bad happens to me. They will make sure my body shuts down before the serum even has the chance to affect me, and they will pull my blood and make an antidote.

Everything will be ok.

I won't get hurt.. I won't hurt anyone.

It will be ok.

Just breathe, you stupid idiot.

If you die from suffocation then nobody is stopping Hydra. So pull yourself together and stop overreacting.


You hadn't even realized your body was halfway over the railing until her voice broke through your thoughts. You were too busy trying to quiet your mind and suck in as much air as you possibly could. Bringing yourself back to your body, you watch as Wanda slowly approaches you as Natasha stays in the doorway, giving you your space.

"I'm fine. I just needed some air. I'm ok."

"No you're not. Nobody would be ok after what Bruce asked of you." Wanda's hand gently rubs up and down your back as she tries to get your breathing to calm down. After a few silent minutes, you reopen your eyes and take in one final deep breath before turning to face both women who are patiently waiting to comfort you.

Once you feel calm enough to engage in conversation, you walk toward the outdoor couch and flop down against it, gesturing for the other two to join you. Wanda sits right next to you, taking your closest hand and interlocking your fingers together, as Nat takes the chair that is facing your direction.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Wanda starts, keeping her voice soft to make sure you realize she is only concerned but not mad at you.

"Didn't really feel like acknowledging the fact that Bruce wants to send me into Hydra to get body controlled and maybe uh, I don't know, maybe fucking die or become a human weapon for evil." Your anxiety over the situation grows as you think about all the possible outcomes that are in your future. Shaking your head of your mental spiral, you refocus on the conversation, letting out a small huff before you continue.

"I just wanted to crawl into bed with my girlfriend and talk to her in person for the first time in a week. Listen to her tell me about her mission and what she did. Hear about how she finally realized that she spins the ring I gave her every time she missed me or was thinking of me, and she found herself doing it often while she was away. Maybe cuddle. I don't know, just small stuff." You sarcastically shrug your shoulders, doing your best to deflect from how you actually feel right now.

"You should have said something, y/n. I could have helped. I could have comforted you."

"Kind of hard to comfort a dead person walking, Wanda."


"But, what Wanda?! There isn't anything you can do for me to make this better."

"Don't point your frustration at her, y/n. This is a shit situation but nobody out here deserves your attitude." Nat starts off firm in her words but quickly softens as she looks at you. "You are probably the last person in the world that deserves to be put in a situation like this. It's an impossible choice, you either risk your life and put your body on the line for a chance to stop something bad from happening, or you don't and hope that the bad thing can be stopped a different way. It's not fair but it is your choice. We can't make you put your life on the line just for us to have a chance at stopping Hydra. That's your choice and everyone on the team would respect whatever it is you choose."

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