This is Going to be a Mess (Chapter 43)

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"Your delivery is downstairs, y/n."

"Thanks FRIDAY!"

Tossing the extra pillows in the tv area, you make your way downstairs to grab your takeaway order. Once the two of you got back to the tower earlier, Yelena went into her room to shower and you did the same in yours. You're now in lounge clothes, ready to eat your meal and watch a movie. Since the others weren't back in the tower yet, you decided that you and Yelena would end your date with a classic sleepover in the living room.

While Yelena finished up her shower you had time to run around the tower and find extra pillows and blankets so you could make a makeshift bed in the living room accompanied by some candles.

"What did you get us?"

"There is a new place that opened up called Mac'd. I got us 3 different kinds of mac and cheese. I firmly believe mac and cheese is a full meal, so I didn't get anything else." You pass Yelena a fork which she gladly accepts.

"I love mac and cheese! Nat would always get mad at me because it was all I ever wanted to eat when I was a kid. Do you have any hot sau–". Before she could finish asking, you pull out a small bottle of hot sauce from the bag and hand it to her with a smile.

Yelena reaches for the hot sauce but before she takes it in her hand she grabs a hold of your wrist and pulls you closer to her. Leaning in at the same time as your body is pulled towards her, she places a kiss on your lips which you easily reciprocate.

"What was that for?" You break the kiss after just a few seconds as she pulls back and eventually does take the hot sauce from you.

"Today has just been good. I liked our day... date. So thank you."

She's got me blushing and shit.

"To be honest, I think it only went so well because things seem to be easy with you. So thank you for today too."

Your cute moment abruptly ends when she smacks you with a pillow.

Well that was short lived.

"Ok, stop with the mushy shit. Let's eat."

The two of you decide to simply eat and chat, waiting to pick a movie until after you ate. Though you spent the whole day talking and getting to know each other more, the conversation seemed to continue flowing which both of you appreciated. After finishing the food you cleaned up the containers while Yelena picked a movie.


"Yeah, I know you like these types of movies. Is this one good?"

"It's really good!" You crash onto the makeshift bed next to Yelena. Shifting so you are slightly leaning against her, you see her press play on the movie. She wraps her arm around your shoulders, allowing you to lean more into her as she now slightly holds you. The two of you stay in this position throughout the entire movie, moving only slightly to readjust or to hold hands.

Since you made a bed in the living room, you two agreed to commit to the sleepover and decided you'll stay out here for the night. After cleaning up your drinks and snacks, you join Yelena on the bed. She lifts up the blanket for you to slide underneath and scoot up close to her.

The two of you are both laying down facing one another as you soak in the silence. The room is dark but you can make out Yelena's features thanks to the random small lights from appliances all around the room. Yelena moves her body slightly closer to yours, now only leaving a few inches between the two of you. You smile at her before wrapping your arm over her body, pulling her in so she rests in your arms. Giving her forehead a kiss you feel her snuggle into your body and wrap her arm around your waist in return.

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