I Think I Love- (Chapter 49)

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I feel like fucking hell.

My head feels like it's going to explode. Like my own cells are aggressively eating at my brain or something.

Ok, I know my cells aren't actually doing that. I mean, they technically can.

There are diseases out there that cause your own cells to see your body as foreign, and in the worst cases they see your brain as a parasite that needs to be destroyed. This causes your cells to pass a barrier that protects your brain and they latch onto the organ that normally doesn't get visitors. It's not a fun time for the person on the receiving end of the cellular attack.

But there is no way Hydra is dumb enough to make a serum that clearly is intended to take over a person's body and abilities and then overlook something as big as the host body turning on itself.

They are idiots but they aren't dumb. Clearly they figured out the mixture enough for it to take over a body almost instantaneously, but there is no way they can control the person they just injected... can they? Yelena immediately turned her gun on me though without anything else happening... how did they do that? How were they able to control her like that?

I don't know, that's a problem for Tony and Bruce to figure out, not me. I'm not a scientist or a big brain on this team. I'm just a person who keeps ending up in a coma.


I was.. Am.. in a coma. AGAIN! What the actual fuck man. How does this keep happening to me?

Oh. My. God.


Where the hell did I get shot? I can't remember what happened? I mean I remember the gun pressed against my head and then the next thing I know the gun was going off.

My body feels relatively healed though so I'm thinking she hit my chest. She must have missed my heart since I didn't die.

I can take a lot of damage but a shot to the heart or the head and it's game over for me. I don't have any extra lives in my back pocket.

Wait, Yelena. Did I get all of the serum out of her before I blacked out?

Her eyes. They were overcome with blue. It looked like she was trapped in her own mind behind her eyes but couldn't do anything but watch as her body was moving without her permission.

Yelena has such beautiful eyes that go soft in moments when we talk one on one, but during the mission when I had to slam her body on the ground, for a split second I could see her, her eyes looked different. They looked like something I have never seen from her before. She looked... scared.

Damn it. Wake up, y/n! I need to know she is ok. I need her to know I am ok and that she didn't hurt me. Not really anyway. It wasn't her. It wasn't her fault.

Ugh, I also told Wanda I wouldn't get hurt. I promised her a movie. Getting myself shot and ending up in a coma isn't very 'small' of me now is it.

I'm sure the team is tired of saving my ass every mission. Like come on! Two out of three missions I have ended up in a fucking coma. What the fuck? I'm a terrible wannabe Avenger.

"Y/n. Please wake up. I know you said you would wake up just like last time but it feels different. I don't know, everything was a lot more intense this time around. I just really need you to wake up. Please." Wanda's voice breaks you from your thoughts. The sensation of her hand intertwining with yours sends lightning through your body and jolts your brain more awake and more aware of your surroundings outside of your mind.

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