Fantastic Fucking Party (Chapter 28)

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Holy shit. Wanda really just did that. She literally dragged me across the room back to her and kissed me. That was kind of hot...

"What the fuck was that Wanda?" Yelena shouts as soon as you and Wanda pull away from one another.

"Yelena, calm down. It's –" You try to interject before she gets too angry but are cut off by Wanda.

"I was helping them fulfill their dare, Yelena." Wanda quips back and leans back in her seat as she watches Yelena's anger grow inside of her.

This is not good.

"What the fuck y/n. What is going on?" Yelena directs her anger toward you, standing up from her seat.

"Yelena, it's just a game. I –"

"No y/n, give me an actual answer. What the actual fuck was that shit show? You kissed Wanda? When? Huh?! I mean that little performance earlier made it clear you are interested in her but come on. How pathetic are you? " Yelena's voice continues to grow in anger. You notice Nat slowly starts to stand, waiting to gauge if she is going to need to step in between you and Yelena.

Anger and frustration builds up inside you, causing you to stand and mimic Yelena's furious posture.

"Who the fuck cares Yelena?! It sounds like you are sleeping with Kate so why are you so bothered by me or what I do? Honestly, I wanted to spend my night with you because I thought – I thought you were the only person in this whole place that didn't think of me as an afterthought or a second choice. But all it took was for Kate to show up to prove that wrong. I don't know what I expected. You all are friends, a family." You gesture to the group whose eyes follow your hand movements as you talk. "I have nobody, I don't have a family, I am nothing to anyone. I don't know why I'm even here!" You spit out.

The group stays silent as your words ring in their ears. A few of their heads drop and others rattle their brains trying to think of what they should do or say to deescalate the situation. A few seconds go by, but it feels like a lifetime since the words left your mouth. You breathe out audibly, drawing all eyes back toward you.

"And I'm not fucking pathetic." Your voice is calm as you direct your comment to Yelena. Your jaw is clenched and you tighten your fists slightly before relaxing your hands again.

Yelena goes to say something but stops herself and looks down at Kate instead.

You can't be serious right now? What the fuck ever. I'm out of here.

With that final gesture from Yelena, you get up and look at all of the guests crowded around the elevator. Not wanting to move through the crowd or awkwardly wait for the elevator, you make a split decision and go out the door toward the balcony. Yelena, Nat and Wanda all get up and follow you out but you quickly jump onto the railing of the balcony and turn to face them.

"What a fantastic fucking party this has been." You lean back and fall backwards off of the railing before they get the chance to stop you. You hit the ground, landing on your feet, and immediately take off down the street.

*Narrator POV*

Tony watches from inside and rushes outside to meet the three women on the balcony. "Did they just jump?!" He lightly panics. Tony hasn't seen your powers in action so he doesn't fully understand your abilities. He looks over the railing, trying to spot you but you're already out of sight.

"What a fucking party.." Nat mumbles as she moves toward the door and heads back inside. Before she disappears into the tower she turns back around to address Yelena. "Yelena, you really fucked up. We all know they didn't deserve that. They are the last person that deserved that. Especially from you. God, you should have heard them talking about you earlier. You're so stupid sometimes." She pauses before she looks toward Wanda. "And you, I don't know what is going on between you two but from that little outburst it seems like you probably have fucked with their mind in more ways than one. They think they are nothing. They think they are an afterthought." Wanda drops her head.

"You two need to fix it." And with that, Nat continues inside the tower followed quickly by Tony.

Yelena walks over to the railing and looks over onto the street. She knows she won't see you but she doesn't know what else to do. Wanda walks next to her and joins her, gazing out to the city below. Neither of them say a word, there isn't anything that can be said that will fix this right now. Yelena's eyes fill with tears, before she lets them fall down her face she quickly turns away and heads back into the tower leaving Wanda alone on the balcony.

"I'm so sorry, y/n. I didn't realize how bad you were hurting. I should have known. I should have felt it." Wanda whispers into the night. Her voice being lost in the sounds of the city below.

Back inside the tower, Yelena made her way into her room without talking to Kate. Kate and Clint didn't stick around much longer after watching y/n jump off the balcony. Nat went back to the party, but only momentarily to grab a drink and head back to her room. Tony followed her around until she finally did her best to fill him in on what just happened.

"So your sister and y/n met before coming to join the team and seemed to be hitting it off? You thought Yelena liked y/n and when they kissed a few weeks ago during a game it seemed like something clicked? Or so you thought, since it sounds like your kid sister was actually hooking up with Hawkeye Jr. on the side."

"Yeah I see that now Tony. I don't even know when she would have been out with Kate. She hasn't brought Kate back here." Nat thinks back to the times she noticed Yelena leave the tower alone. It was only when Y/n had gone to Alias or out of town for their case. Nat thought Yelena was maybe meeting up with y/n but trying to hide it.

"And Wanda? How did the little witch get tangled into this mess?"

"I am not sure, Tony. I could tell y/n always seemed to get nervous around Wanda but I've never seen them really interact when we have been in group settings. Honestly, Wanda going with them to their case for Alias last week felt really random but I thought it was good that those two were maybe making an attempt to be friends."

"Clearly they were attempting to be a little more than friends there. I thought you were a spy? How did you miss all of this?" Tony's sarcasm hitting a nerve with Nat.

"I don't fucking know Tony! All I know is that we messed up. From the day y/n has come to the tower all they have done is tried their best and been so sincere. They train so hard and take everything on with a smile. I don't think I have ever met someone like them."

"Don't tell me you have a crush too, Romanoff." Tony huffs.

Before Nat can throw a punch in Tony's direction her phone beeps. She rolls her eyes at Tony and pulls out her phone to see her notification.

Y/N: I'm sorry I left like that. I'll come back tomorrow night. Sorry for ruining the party.

Nat: Where are you right now?

Y/N: I don't really want a small blonde Russian assassin killing me in my sleep tonight, so I'm not going to tell you the answer to that.

Nat: You're a little shit, you know that right?

Y/N: I do in fact know that

Y/N: I'm sorry.

Nat: You're not the one that needs to apologize. Which one of them do you want me to kill tonight? Or both?

Y/N: Thanks Nat. I'll be ok. Don't kill anyone... not yet at least.

Nat: You better come back tomorrow.

Y/N: You miss me already?

Nat: Bye y/n.

Nat: Thanks for letting me know you are ok.

Y/N: I just trust you. Night Natasha. 


a/n: double upload day! let me know what ya'll think of the story and if you like something, vote on it or leave me a comment. 

things only get more complicated from here so buckle up!

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