That Was Almost Traumatizing (Chapter 67)

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"You're never going to let me live that down are you?"

"Nope. Not a chance."

After Natasha's sudden reappearance in y/n's room, both Wanda and y/n fumbled to cover themselves back up, trying to regain any dignity that they had left. Unfortunately for y/n, they couldn't get their shirt on fast enough which only flustered them more, resulting in their ass meeting the floor as they crashed down off the side of the bed.

Not wanting to go back onto the now 'contaminated' bed, according to Natasha, the trio decided to move the party out into the living room area. The original plan of the day was to go bowling but after that show, and no longer in the mood to put their fingers in any sticky holes (... well), both Natasha and y/n agreed that staying in sounded like a better idea. The three, plus Yelena who crashed the party, watched a few movies and ordered way too much takeaway, effectively ending their chaotic day with an impromptu sleepover scattered across the new massive couch Tony just bought.

Natasha woke up to Yelena's legs across her body. Yelena's head was resting on a pillow that was positioned right up against y/n's side. Though she wasn't laying on y/n, they made sure to have some form of physical touch as y/n placed their arm to the side so Yelena could hold it as she slept. On the other side of their body was Wanda, who was curled up on her side laying on y/n's shoulder with her face tucked into their neck. It really was a sight but something Natasha didn't dare disturb.

"I'm going to ask Wanda to erase it from your memory. I really don't need you holding this over my head forever."

"Maybe next time, lock the door. Or better yet, keep it in your pants! I wasn't even gone that long. Did you two really think you could pull off a quickie in the short amount of time I needed to be away to take the call?"

You roll your eyes at Natasha as the two of you get off the subway and head up the stairs to the street. You point her in the direction of the building you are headed to and continue your conversation.

"To be 100% honest with you, I forget you were hanging out with us." Catching Nat's hand, you stop her from making contact with the back of your head and give her a victorious smile as you watch her yank her hand back out of your grip. "Respectfully. I just – I really missed Wanda and, I don't know if you know this, but I have been having a hard past few days." She rolls her eyes at your sarcasm but lets you continue. "No, but really I sort of tunnel visioned on her and she just had all of my focus. I know it's corny, but whenever I am around her and she flashes her green eyes my way, I just forget about everything and everyone around me and it's just her. Not that I would ever complain about her having all of my attention. I'm pretty sure she could read me the phone book and she would still hold all of my focus on her."

Nat softly smiles at y/n as they open the door for her to walk inside. Natasha has no idea what y/n planned for them today, just that they wanted to spend time with just her which effectively left both Wanda and Yelena home alone as everyone else had errands to run out of the tower. Normally Yelena would have left and gone out with Kate, but Kate was doing a charity event to make up for a clock tower she broke... her excuse honestly sounded fake but it's also Kate, if anyone was going to break an entire clock tower it was going to be her.

"You are good for her." Nat stops when you get inside the building and moves to the side to sit on a bench. Y/n naturally follows and sits down next to her. Though, they are confused at Natasha's statement.

"I don't follow."

She lightly shakes her head as she smiles down, looking away from you. "How you talk about her, you talk like she hung the stars herself, that she is the moon. You treat her with more care and love than I have ever seen someone treat another person. You make her believe she deserves happiness, which is not something she has thought about in a very long time, not since she was a kid. You just know how to reassure her and care about her. That's all I mean."

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