It Was Too Late (Chapter 48)

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"Here kid, put this on your wrist. Just in case you need it again the mixture you created last time to put yourself in a coma is in there. If you press the button on the inside of the cuff it will inject it in you instantly and you'll be out like a light in less than 30 seconds." Tony throws the gadget at you. Giving it a small look over, you wrap it around your wrist and it immediately tightens itself in place. You give him an appreciative nod as he gives you a quick pat on your shoulder before you walk back toward the rest of the team.

"You nervous?" Nat comes and sits next to you while you all wait to load up onto the quinjet.

"Yeah a little." You fiddle with the new gadget on your wrist, careful to not press down on the button accidentally. It's not bulky but is an odd sight since you don't normally wear anything on missions besides the vibranium compression shirt that Nat gave you for the first Hydra mission.

"What part are you nervous about, Yelena or the actual mission?" Nat keeps her voice low so only you two can hear the conversation, her eyes glued to your wrist as she tries to figure out what cuff is for herself.

"Both. Obviously I don't really want to end up in a coma again or for anyone to get shot with that stuff. I mean we have no idea how powerful it will be this time around." You shake your head of the negative and anxious thoughts that are trying to take over. "With Yelena, she hasn't talked to me since that night and now Steve has us partnered up. I don't understand why I couldn't be with Wanda again." You sigh as Yelena walks past you and Nat, catching your eyes for the first time in days.

She is tired, I can see it in her eyes. Is she not sleeping? Is she ok?

"How has she been doing? Her eyes, they seem tired." Nat's eyes slowly lift up and find Yelena who has now taken a seat away from the both of you. Yelena's demeanor is deflated slightly but she continues getting ready for the mission, sliding a Stark Tech knife in one of her straps and loading a gun before placing it in one of her holders.

"I don't really know. She won't talk to me about it, but she isn't good at hiding her emotions as much as she thinks she is. I know she feels bad. I know she misses you."

I miss her too. At the end of the day she was my friend before anything else. My little widow.

"I'll fix it." You mumble half to yourself but Nat's attention refocuses on you. "It's not your responsibility to fix it. You don't always have to put yourself in physical or emotional harms way to try to make everything better for other people. Yelena messed up. She needs to fix it. Today, you two just need to stay focused on the mission."

Giving Nat a nod you follow her as she stands up and the team all take their spots on the quinjet. Nat takes the seat next to Yelena so you go to sit with Wanda who sits by a window. You hand her one of your airpods without saying a word, she simply smiles and puts it in her ear. The two of you share the music but don't talk the entire flight over. Wanda steals a few glances as you mumble to the music, smiling at herself every time she catches you lost to your music. As the jet begins its descent, Steve puts it on autopilot and comes to the back to run through the plan one last time.

"Wanda and Nat, you two have the left side. Yelena and y/n, you have the right. I'll take up the distraction role in the main testing area this time. We know they have the serum in their guns but since they are actively testing it on their own people this time around we are hoping to snag a vial from one of the other side rooms. Grab the vial, any data you can find, and get out. Again, try not to get injected but if you do, call over comms for y/n. They have a new device from Stark that will inject them with a mixture to put them in a coma if they need to take the serum out of one of us."

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