Ring (Chapter 84)

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Natasha pulls into the garage under the tower and you follow her lead, parking your motorcycle next to hers. As soon as you swing your leg over the seat and slide off the bike, you immediately rip off your helmet and start rubbing up and down your arms, trying to warm yourself up.

"Stop being a baby, it's not that cold." Nat goes to grab one of your hands, trying to feel for herself how dramatic you are being, but as soon as your fingers touch her skin, she immediately retracts from you and shuffles away.

"Oh, I thought I was being a baby and that it isn't that cold?" Natasha tries to dodge your hands as you lunge forward, attempting to warm up your hands against her skin. Lucky for you, Natasha's legs are short so her attempt at dashing away proves to not be quick enough and you catch up to her easily. You wrap her up in a big hug and slide your hands under her clothes, resting them on her back. She winces at the coldness of your touch, arching herself into your body more since you have her wrapped up.

"Y/n, get the hell off of me."

"Stop being a baby and help me warm up!"

She wiggles, trying to get out of your hold but she doesn't truly try very hard, not really minding your hug. "I'm sure there is at least one person up in this tower right now that isn't me that could warm you up."

You let out a loud laugh at her comment. "But what if I want it to be you?" You feel Natasha slightly freeze under your touch and you give yourself a mental high five for making her flustered. You hear her pretend to scoff but her hold on your body lets you know that she might not actually hate that idea... in another universe of course (or story...).

Finally slipping your hands from against her skin, you wrap an arm over her shoulders and she easily wraps an arm around your waist. The two of you walk inside the tower and toward an elevator.

"What are your plans for the rest of the night?" You slightly look down at Natasha as she fidgets with the hem of your jacket with the hand that is wrapped around your body still.

"I think I'm going to stop by Wanda's room to see if she is done with her date thing with the talking lite-brite."

Natasha snorts at your phrasing to describe Vision but ultimately gives you a hard pinch in disapproval. "Don't call him that."

"What? I saw a lite-brite, so I said lite-brite. That's not bullying, it's an astute observation." You shrug, genuinely not caring about Vision and his animatronic AI feelings.

"You realize with one thought he could slice you in half with that rock in his head, right?"

"And you realize I could spill water on him and he would short circuit, right?"

Natasha rolls her eyes as the elevator comes to a stop. Once the doors open she drops her hold from your body and steps out. You quickly fall into step behind her. "What about you? Any other plans for the night?"

"I'll probably go see what Steve is doing." Your face scrunches up in disgust as you mumble a small 'gross'. Nat hits you saying how she needs to go over a file with him and nothing else.

After emptying out your backpack of the leftover snacks, you head down the hall to find your favorite little witch. Stopping outside of her door, you slow your steps as you hear talking from the other side of the door. Even though it's cracked, you stay on the other side as you press 3 small knocks against the door.

The voices in the room immediately stop talking. You feel a warmth circle around your body and a small smile creeps across your face, knowing Wanda is trying to see who is outside of her door. Before you know it the door flings open and Wanda launches herself at you, wrapping her arms around your body. Easily you reciprocate the hug and rub your arms up and down her back, pulling her tighter into your embrace. The sound of Vision clearing his throat, not that he has anything to clear since he doesn't produce saliva, pulls you out of your moment as you roll your eyes and loosen your hold on Wanda.

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