You, Me, & Kate (Chapter 41)

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"Yelena, what are you up to for the rest of the day?"

Outstretching your arms, Yelena takes the tape off of each of your hands before she sits down next to you on the mat. You give her a smile to thank her for always helping you out after workouts together.

"I'm going to shower and then go out and meet Kate. I'm not really sure what we are doing though. Do you want to join?"

"Join your shower or you and Kate's big day out?"

"I was referring to the shower but you're also welcome to come hangout with us if you want." Yelena smirks at you before standing up and pulling you up with her.

Brain, stop trying to think about Yelena in the shower. Don't do that.

"I actually have to go to Alias today since I haven't been there in a while so I was going to ask if you wanted to come too, but it's all good since you're busy with Kate."

Stop avoiding the situation with Kate and Yelena and try to make everything work. Just bite the bullet and ask to hangout with them. It would mean a lot to Yelena, and you know it. This whole situation just needs to get relatively sorted.

"Uh maybe after we could meet at my bar for a few drinks?"

"Who is 'we'?" Leaving the training room you both stop by the kitchen for some water and granola bars. The tower is a bit empty at the moment, Tony sent Steve and Vision on a recon mission a few days ago, and this morning Nat and Wanda were sent back to the original hydra lab a few hours away to gather more intel on the status of the serum.

"Well if she would want to, I thought maybe Kate could come too. So the 'we' in question would be you, Kate, and myself." You shrug.

Kate is still this weird spot for me and Yelena.

She gets slightly uptight and defensive whenever she is brought up.

I don't want to continue making her uncomfortable so hopefully if us 3 can hangout it will get her to stop being so weird and Yelena can finally relax.

I don't want to continue making everything so hard or confusing for her. Or for myself honestly.

"Really?" Yelena slightly perks up, trying to decipher where this is coming from and if you're truly ok with it.

"Yeah, I thought it would be nice to get out of the tower and just hangout. But if you or her don't really want to, it's no big deal. I'm fine heading to my bar alone tonight." Stopping at your door you wait for Yelena to decide what she wants to do.

"I'll text Kate and make sure but yes, we can all hangout at OUR bar tonight. Just text me when you're about done at Alias and we can wrap up whatever we are doing and meet you."

Ok I guess this shit is happening.

"Sounds good. I'll just text you later about it." You turn to go into your room but Yelena's voice stops your movements.

"Thank you."

"For what?"


"You don't need to thank me for that. Now go shower, I can smell you from here." Yelena gives you a slight annoyed look before a cheeky smile spreads across her face.

"You're not joining? My shower is a little small but we could make it work."

Who has self control? I have self control...

"Next time babe, promise." You give her a wink before you disappear in your room alone.

After a quick shower you pack up your backpack with your laptop and camera, ready to get some work done at Alias. Before heading out you decided to make you and Yelena some lunch since neither of you ate breakfast before training earlier. It's getting colder out so you made some soup and grilled cheese. After eating you cleaned up the mess and grabbed your bag. Yelena still hasn't come out of her room yet so you plated her sandwich and filled a bowl with soup and left it on the counter for her with a note.

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