This Bitch (Chapter 10)

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Your walk to the med room was slow and quiet. Yelena focused on holding you up as much as possible as you made your way out of the training room and down the long hall. Yelena took on as much of your weight as she could even though you healed your ankle enough to walk on it.

"Just sit here, I'll go grab everything and come right back." Yelena helps you on the exam bed before rushing through the room to grab supplies.

I definitely have a concussion and very slight internal bleeding. I can't let Yelena or anyone else know, I don't want to make this whole situation worse than it already is.

On the walk over your head started pounding and you could feel your pupils dilating trying to fight against what was going on in your skull. The internal bleeding was an unfortunate result of crashing into a giant pile of weights, your stomach being the part of your body that absorbed the brunt of the impact on the way down.

"I'm going to wrap your ankle first. Once that's done I'm going to put an ice pack on your shoulder and slip your arm in this sling. I'll have to wrap your shoulder so it stays on but I won't make it tight." Yelena came back with an arm full of supplies. Her voice is gentle and calming. Not like how it was when she was yelling at Wanda back in the training room.

You nod at Yelena's words and let her start with your ankle. She gently takes your shoe off, sliding your sock off your foot and slightly wincing at the color of your ankle. It was already a deep purple color and swollen.

It's already healing, so that's good.

"Ok I'm going to wrap your ankle, y/n." She informs you softly, making sure she lets you know before she is going to touch you. Wrapping the compression bandage over your ankle firmly, but not too tight, she moves up toward your shoulder. Placing the ice pack on your shoulder caused you to wince at the cold hitting your skin. Yelena had asked you to take your sweatshirt off but you kept your t-shirt on that you were wearing underneath.

Her face mimics yours as she lightly mouths the word 'sorry' as she continues wrapping the ice pack in place upon your shoulder. Once the ice pack is stuck in place she gently bends your arm to move it into a sling. She slides the sling over your head and the strap rests on your non-wrapped shoulder on the right side of your body. "I'm going to put your arm in the sling now, ok?" As gently as she can possibly do so, Yelena holds your arm and places it in the sling securely.

"Here" she hands you some pain medicine and a water bottle. You place the medicine in your mouth and take a gulp of the water, taking down both of the pills in one swig.

"Y/n, can I touch your face so I can clean and bandage your cuts?" Not able to speak, knowing that the emotion of everything is quickly catching up to you, you simply shake your head to allow her to continue.

Her hands move to your face and you look at Yelena in the eyes trying to let her know that you can't say it right now but you appreciate her more than she could possibly realize. She continues to clean the cuts first, touching you as gently as possible as the harsh chemicals burn each cut she swipes over. Bandaging the cuts that can get away with it, she puts butterfly bandages on those that need to be held together a little more intently.

After a few minutes she moves her hands away from your face and you meet her eyes. "Can you lift your shirt up for me? I know you landed straight on the weights with your stomach hitting first." You sit as still as possible, turning hot at Yelena's innocent question, mind beginning to spiral.

Closing your eyes your hands move to the bottom of your shirt and clench it. Bunching your shirt in your hands but keeping it securely around your body. Trying to say anything to make this less obvious you simply shake your head to tell her no.

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