Beautiful Name (Chapter 2)

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"Babe huh?" The young woman breaks the silence looking directly into your eyes as you turn a corner and stop walking. "You know I didn't really need your saving", she says, dropping her arm from around your waist. Following her lead you move your arm off from around her shoulders and down to your side as you both continue walking.

"Sorry, it just sort of fell out of my mouth in the moment" you say shyly as her confidence catches you off guard. "And honestly, I kind of picked up on the vibe that you didn't need my help but I already committed by that point so I just kept it going." You shrug.

You really did get the sense she wasn't in need of your help but you couldn't stop yourself from approaching her so you kept the charade going. The closer you got to her the more in autopilot your body went and before you even knew what your game plan was, you had your arm around her calling her "babe".

After continuing to walk a few blocks together she stops and pulls out her phone, updating the pick up location of the car she ordered. Noticing the car was arriving in 10 minutes you take out your phone to see how long of a walk it would be back to your apartment. *15 minutes* "Not bad", you think.

"I'll leave you alone now. Sorry for assuming you needed any help and sort of pretending we were together." Pausing before continuing. "Hope you have a safe rest of your night", turning to walk away.

"Nothing to be sorry about." she quickly retorts. " If I didn't want to play along I wouldn't have." she says, smirking.

"If you want, you can wait with me until my car arrives... unless you need to go."

Turning around, you take a seat on the steps behind both of you. "I'm all yours", you say, smirking back. She sits down next to you as you both wait together.

"So, what's your deal?" You ask. "Where are you from?" You noticed her accent the moment you both started walking away from the bar but never found the right time to ask.

"I grew up a little bit in Ohio, but I was born in Russia."

"What brings you to New York?"

"Change of scenery." she says in a dry tone. You don't try to have her elaborate.

"Is your family back in Ohio then?" As soon as you ask you can quickly tell that family is a touchy subject but it was too late, you already asked the question.

"Not really around." she pauses. "But I'm here to meet up with my sister and help her with work. I'll actually be seeing her tomorrow". She responds with a little bit of hope in her last sentence.

"Well I hope everything with your sister and work turns out well for you." you smile at her thinking to yourself, I should probably stop asking these terrible questions now.

"What about you then?" "Where are you from, why are you in New York? And what's the deal with your family?" Turning the conversation around to you.

Yikes. Should have seen that coming.

Reluctantly you answer back. "I'm from Northern California. Moved her after college. Change of scenery and all of that." mimicking her accent when you copy her answer to the same question. "But my family... they died when I was a teenager. An accident. So it's just me." Ending your answer at that.

You conveniently leave out the fact that growing up you always felt different. That something inside of you was stronger and more powerful than it should be but you never really paid it much attention because nobody else seemed to notice it. That the accident that killed your entire family somehow didn't kill you, but weeks afterwards when you woke up, that feeling inside you was so much stronger and more apparent than before. Impossible to ignore. But who shares that kind of information at 2am to a stranger.

"I'm sorry about your family", she says.

"I'm sorry about yours."

Not 5 seconds later her call pulls up. You both stand up and she walks to the car door, opening it and stepping inside.

"Wait!" you yell. "I didn't even ask you your name".


"Nice to meet you, Yelena. My name is y/n."

She smiles at you and closes the door, her blonde braid being the last part of her you see. The car drives off leaving you alone in the street at 2am.

Well that was interesting.

Deciding to continue your walk home your mind starts to wander, thinking about the encounter and replaying everything back in your head. 

Why was my first thought to put my arm around her like that. What possessed me to call her babe? BABE?! Who do I think I am?

After another 10 minutes of walking you make your way up to your apartment.

Opening the door, you are greeted by the few boxes and bags you are taking with you. You started packing it up and getting rid of some of the things you won't be taking with you earlier in the day. A lot of your furniture you moved into the Alias office since Jessica didn't have much in there anyway. She offered to let you stay there while she was gone but when this new opportunity popped up you decided against it. You still have a full day left in your apartment before needing to head out to the location of your new job so you don't pay any mind to the half done packing job in front of you.

Changing out of your clothes into a big T-shirt you head to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. You may be "super" but you still get cavities. After a short amount of time in the bathroom you finally get to head to bed.

Head hitting the pillow you quickly start to drift into sleep. You never dream so you know as soon as your mind shuts off the next thing you will experience will be the sun signaling the start of a new day.

Fully closing your eyes and giving in to your sleepiness, one last thought floats across your mind before falling asleep.


What a beautiful name for a beautiful person.

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