goosebumps (tv) ~ anxiety attack (hurt/comfort) ~ sabrina/carly beth

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A/N : Based on the first two Haunted Mask episodes, pre-canon

There was no word for what was wrong with Carly Beth. Not a word that any of the kids in town knew at least. No, her diagnosis, so far as she could tell, was that she was a scaredy-cat. Crazy. A nervous wreck, according to some of the adults. Her mom never treated her like a freak, even if her brother did. She would later regret not appreciating her mother's love enough, but that's a story for a different time.

The only other person who didn't think she was crazy was Sabrina. Of course, the girl still understood that something was wrong. Normal people didn't typically get freaked out at the smallest little things, or have nervous breakdowns over a bad grade despite knowing that their parents probably wouldn't punish them beyond a small scolding. She just didn't see any reason to bully the girl over it. She loved Carly Beth for whatever reasons she did, and that was all that mattered.


"It's not that big of a deal, Carly Beth" Sabrina said, tone somewhere between annoyed at how much her friend was overreacting and trying to reassure her. See, Chuck and Steve had played yet another prank on her, which led to her making a fool of herself in front of her classmates once again. Halloween was in a month, and it was like that fact had them even more amped up than usual, pranking her several times a week.

"Of course it's a big deal, Sabrina!" Carly Beth replied, her voice shaking along with her hands. Sabrina sighed. She hated seeing her friend like this, so upset and panicked. "They've made a fool of me once again, and it's like no one even cares!" she continued. "I hate it. I hate them. They suck so much!"

"They aren't worth you having a full nervous breakdown like this"

"I can't exactly- God!" Carly Beth seized her hair in her hand in an attempt to calm herself down. Sabrina stood up at this and cautiously walked over to her panicked friend, gently taking the hand out of her hair so she didn't accidentally hurt herself.

"Carly Beth, look at me" Sabrina instructed in a calm but still firm voice. The blonde couldn't help but look up into the other girl's eyes. "You need to calm down, okay? Try to focus on your breathing"

Carly Beth just nodded and took some shaky breaths as Sabrina guided her. This wasn't the first time this had happened and it wouldn't be the last, so Sabrina had a pretty good idea on how to get her to calm down, even if the brunette didn't exactly understand why she was so freaked out or what to even call these little outbursts. All she knew was that Carly Beth calmed down quicker when she could slow her breathing, so this became routine whenever she saw that she couldn't just talk the blonde out of her panic.

"That's good, Carly Beth" Sabrina said once her friend started to calm down. "You're doing good"

"I'm sorry for-"

"It's fine" Sabrina cut her off. "You scare easily, I know. It's fine. What matters is that you're out of that now"

"...Thanks, Sabrina"

"No problem, Carly Beth"

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