Chapter 51

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Tris POV

I wake up snuggled into Fours arms. I sigh and wiggle out of it and kiss his forehead. I get up and take a shower. Afterwards I put on black high waisted pants and blue and black socks with a blue tank top. I put on mascara and lipgloss and straighten my hair. Then I head out of the bathroom. Tobias isnt in the room. I walk out to the kitchen in Zeke's house and see him walking out of the bathroom. He must have just took a shower and gotten dressed too.

"Sup Tobias" I say

"Ha ha" he says sarcastically and I laugh a little. He laughs too and tosses me an apple. I bite into it as he eats Strawberry's. I say "that's not fair  I get an apple and you get the strawberries!"

"Want a few?" He offers laughing bit as he puts one in his mouth

"Duh!" I say laughing a bit too

"Here" he says handing me 4 strawberries and I eat them up quick and finish my apple. After we walk into the living room hand in hand and sit in the circle in the living room. They have already started without us. Rudeee

"Woah! Tobias Candor or fricken Dauntless!??"  Christina practically screams

"Uhh Candor Chris.." Tobias says

"FourTris!!!??"  She yells

"FourTris." Tobias answers

"Eeeekkk!!!" She sqeals and then says "When!!??"

"Last night" I say

"Ohhhhh" she says smiling and says "took long enough!"

"3days Christina shut up" peter says

"You shut up and I will" Chris defends

"All of you shut up or someone gets the damn pillow and aparently I hit the hardest" I say

"She does!" Uriah yells

"Uriah shut or you'll get the damn pillow" Lynn whisper yells

"She said to be quiet guys" will inturrupets

They burst into fights until Marlene screams to shut up or die. Tobias laughs and she gives him a death glare that shuts him up.

We contine the game till 7 people unexpectedly show up at the door.










Omg guyssssss I started a book and its called Then I Met you and its a FourTris story. Pleaseee Read it!

It would mean the world to me if you read it.

Anywaysssss sooner or later I will start a Uris story!!! Can't wait for that. I want names for it though. So please comment, I was thinking Love Isn't Always Easy but I wasn't sure bout that title. Any ideas?

Like I said please please please pleaseeeeee read my new book Then I Met You. Tell me if ya like it too!! One Vote = One update on that book. And I didn't say it but on that book.. Encouraging comments = two updates.

That doesn't apply to this book but on that book it does. But comments and votes encourage me enough sooo please do keep commenting and Voting!

Love ya fellow Pansycakes!!


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