Chapter 24

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Tobias POV

I listen to Tris try to explain how to do get the serum to work. She won't stop babbling. I don't even understand her ideas. But I listen until I can't listen no more and I just kiss her. She kisses back and I try to deepen it. It doesn't work. I pull back a freeze. I get up and punch the wall and then slide down the wall and hang my head on the wall and then I feel dizzy. Its all the serum it doesn't allow to to kiss or do anything with Tris. Only with Marlene.

"Tobias!" Tris yells

"Tris I can't do this. It is going to hurt myself more and more when we try to do anything!"

"Tobias. I believe we can do anything when we put our minds to it. Now its either I will sit on you so you can't move while I go get Zeke, or I call him and sit on you anyways?"

"Do it anyways."

"Okay." She says and gets up off the bed. She sits on my lap and smiles at me. I can't help but chuckle and feel my body tingling I feel it every time she touches me now that I'm under this stupid love serum.

She takes out her phone and dials Zeke's number. she calls him and says "Hello? Zeke? I need you to go get Lauren right now and bring her to mine and Fours apartment. Now. Don't ask questions and don't leave without a fight. Didnt let her leave. We NEED her Zeke."

Then there's a pause. He must be talking.

"Okay. Good idea. Go. Now."

Other pause for a few seconds. Then she says "Whatever okay just ZEKE GO!!!"

and with that she hangs up. She gets more comfortable on my lap and kisses my forehead. I stop her before she kisses me knowing somehow that if she kisses me again I might hurt her. I don't care if I can't help it I would still be a coward for hitting the love of my life. My actions say no to her, but my mind says yes. Why cant I just kiss her! That's what I want to do! But if I do I still might hurt her...

I can't help it.

I kiss her lips. Her soft warm gentle lips. She kisses back and this time she begins to deepen it. Minutes later we are both shirtless but it didn't begin to go as planned. I now have her pushed against the wall and I punch her. I stop. I hold back my fist like I'm going to do it again but instead I shout "Tris push me away! If you don't I can't stop myself! Tris please!"

She does so. She is holding her jaw and she pushes me onto the bed and sits on my stomach as she puts her shirt back on. A tear slides down her cheek and I say "Tris this serum is controlling my actions."

"I know."

"Are you mad at me?"

"No but when Zeke comes back with Lauren I am going to murder her."

"Nah I think we should lock her up."

"Tobias no. She's going where I almost just went."



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