Chapter 12: Let Death Bring Eternal Damnation

Start from the beginning

"Thirteenth, stop. We should stick together and-" Najenda, however, was interrupted when Thirteenth does something.

"Come my ride. Come my steed. Pestilence, come to me and bring death to these abandoned world." Thirteenth chanted before something comes out from the black smoke.

To all of Night Raid's shock and horror, it is a horse of all things and much to their disgust, it's body is completely rotting and full of maggots everywhere.

The undead horse neighs loudly as Thirteenth jumped on top of it and ready themselves to ride. And with the image alone, it does truly encapsulated how it looks like death itself, "Come, Pestilence. Let none shall escape their death." Thirteenth declared as it then gallop to the wall and jump over it.

All of Night Raid just stare at the scene before them for a minute before saying, "What the fuck just happened?" Mine said.

"I think he just summoned a horse, I think?" Sheele said.

Tatsumi, alongside Sayo and Ieyasu are all running into the forest as they try to find the enemy, splitting up to cover more ground.

"Okay, I can do this. I can do this." Ieyasu said to assure himself.

"Hey, don't worry, Ieyasu. We can do this." Sayo said to him.

"Yeah, although good luck since you have a weapon while we-" Tatsumi is however interrupted when every now and then, they could hear the sounds of skirmishes where metals are clashing and the sounds of screaming.

"Guess the guys are getting busy, huh?" Tatsumi said but before he could get a response, a yell is heard as Tatsumi rolled back to avoid a downward sword strike.

The one responsible looked to be one of the mercenaries as he looked at the trio with a confident grin, "What's this? Night Raid just recruit a bunch of kids? Hah, this is gonna be easy."

"Hey, don't underestimate us." Tatsumi countered.

"Yeah, we're going to be the best assassins you will ever see." Ieyasu countered too.

"Whatever. Once I'm done with you two, I'm gonna have some fun with the little lady over there." The mercenary said with a perverted grin, looking at Sayo, who looked in disgust.

This made Ieyasu looked in fury, "YOU'RE DEAD!" Ieyasu said before charging forward and jump to give a downward slice upon him.

The mercenary would have nonchalantly blocked only for the blade to slice through his and down below him.

Ieyasu then calms down as he looked at the mercenary as said mercenary gets a shocked look, "W-what... Just... H-happen..." The mercenary said in a stutter before blood starts gushing out from his body, spraying out everywhere before he was bisected into two.

The trio yelped as they dodged the fountain of blood that almost sprayed to them until finally, it's done.

The trio just looked at the corpse that they have killed as Ieyasu said, "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Same." Sayo said blankly.

"Yeah. Let's all not say anything about this. Agreed?" Tatsumi said.

"Agreed." Sayo and Ieyasu said together.

The Bane Three finally met up with the rest of Night Raid who were all discussing the results of what had happened.

"Hey, you three. So, how many did you kill?" Leone said cheerfully to them.

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