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Ivan opens his door, shirtless with grey joggers on. He opens his mouth to speak but immediately four kids run inside his house, Remi running along inside behind them. Ivan scoffs loudly as Mila smiles at him.

"It was supposed to be just us, who the fuc-"

"I forgot I was babysitting today. I couldn't just reschedule. Plus, we can still do what you were planning. And no cursing." Mila says as she steps inside the mansion.

"I hate you." He mumbles closing the door shut.

The five kids run upstairs, Remi tagging along as Ivan sighs loudly. The two maids follow behind the kids as Remi runs to her room. Mila begins to take a step only for Ivan to grab her wrist. With a raised eyebrow, he turn her around to him.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Mila bites her bottom lip for a few seconds before shrugging her shoulders. "Someone has to watch the kids Ivan. They are all no older than seven."

"That's why Rosalie and Maria are up there. For now, it's just us two. Trust me, the kids will be alright." He assures her as he grabs her hand.

Mila doesn't say anything back to him as he drags her to the bar. Sitting there being a guy Mila had never seen before. He was handsome with his hair curly and brown. Tattoos cover his body as he wears a suit, and his green eyes wander over to Mila. He takes a sip of his beer before slamming the bottle down causing Mila to flinch.

Her hands notice his bruised knuckles causing her to swallow a large gulp. Ivan goes to the man before talking to him in Russian. A language Mila had no idea about. It wasn't until the man roll his eyes that Ivan start to laugh.

"Mila this is the Russian guy I was telling you about. Alexei, this is my girlfriend Mila."

"We're not together." Mila reminds him.

Ivan shrugs his shoulders. "It's a work in progress," Ivan whispers to him. "Regardless, we were just finishing up our talk, he was just about to leave. He's a little sensitive right now, his girlfriend practically dumped him." Ivan says causing Alexei to hit his arm.

"Fuck off," Alexei says standing up.

Mila gives him a sad smile. "I'm sure everything will work out Alexei. I don't mind if you stay, Ivan tends to be annoying when we're all alone anyways. Have at least one drink with us." Mila says politely.

Alexei looks at her before his eyes glance over at Ivan. Letting out a big breath Alexei shakes his head.

"Very tempting but I can't, I have somewhere I need to be. But I hope you have a good day Mila, go to hell Ivan." Alexei speaks in his thick Russian accent.

He walks away from them while Ivan leans on the bar counter. Sucking his teeth, Ivan flicks his tongue out, wetting his bottom lip.

"Is he your friend?" Mila asks him.

Ivan's lips twitch before clearing his throat. "I don't have friends. Let's have a drink before the kids come down."

Mila wipes the kid's face while Ivan talks to Remi. She gives him a giggle as she gently places her palm on his cheeks. Mila just so happens to look up to see them interact. It was almost crazy seeing them together.

While she did have a darker skin tone, the two look so much alike. Deep down Mila couldn't stand it. To see so much of him in her daughter. It was like something out of a movie. Mila sigh as the kids drop down from the chair and run back off while Remi babbles to Ivan. Her hands leave his skin and onto the kid makeup kit, he bought for her.

She opens the kiddy lipgloss and gently smears it onto Ivan's lips as he texts away on his phone, not caring for one moment. After the lipgloss, it was the blush which was too red for him, and then the glitter eyeshadow. But before she can put it on the stops her, telling her that it was enough.

She smiles at him, kissing his cheek before Ivan picks her up from the counter and places her on the floor. Mila couldn't help but chuckle at his appearance. He looked crazy but adorable. Ivan watches Remi walk away to grab the napkin.

"I regret buying that thing for her," Ivan says rolling his eyes.

He wipes his face, most of the makeup coming off while Mila dies down her chuckling.

"I don't know, I think you look very handsome like that."

"I look good in anything. Now come on and let's watch this movie."

Ivan's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now