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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Part One 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

It was like any other night. Mila was walking home from her work like she usually does. She goes to the convenience store. Usually getting a pack of donuts and her daily dose of orange juice. She pays the elderly man and walks out to eat and she walks to the nearest bus stop.

The full moon was out and the stars never usually were this bright. Even though she can barely see them, she could see just enough. When she gets to the bus stop she sits down on the cold metal bench. She a figure limping towards the bus stop.

She simply looks away minding her business. Just as she twists open the bottle of orange juice she hears a loud thump. The man on the ground fails to get up. Immediately she drops her orange juice and runs to the guy. Turning him over on his back meeting with a handsome face.

A few strands of his brown long hair block his forehead. His piercing blue eyes fall on Mila before closing and then groaning. Tattoos cover both his hands and fingers. Mila looks down to see blood spilling through his black hoodie. Immediately Mila pulls out her phone and calls the ambulance.

"Hello? A guy is bleeding on Minister Avenue, beside the bus stop." Mila quickly speaks hearing the operator's monotone voice.

Mila put her phone down as she lifts his hoodie. Suddenly his hands grip her wrist. He winces before his eyes flutter.

"So eager to see what's underneath." He speaks humorously.

His voice was deep as he groans once again. Mila scoffs loudly.

"I'm checking your wound."

"I don't have time for you to play nurse. Leave it alone until the ambulance comes." He groans out.

Mila was confused about how to act. She wanted to yell and call him an asshole but then again he was bleeding and in pain. She sighs grabbing her phone and heard the woman asking if she was still there. Mila put the phone up to her ear.

"Is he still breathing ma'am?"

"Yes... unfortunately." She mumbles the last part.

She sits down beside the man and lets her fingers come through her hair. The woman tells her that the ambulance will be there shortly making Mila hang up. Mila brings her knees up to her chest as the guy beside her groans once again.

"You can leave, sweetheart."

"Why would I leave you? You're dying." She tells him.

"I don't die so easy."

"Can you just be quiet and wait until the ambulance comes." She huff.

"I'm the one supposed to have an attitude here."

Mila glared at the man. He smirks before giving her a wink. She looks away and rests her head on top of her knees.

"The next time we meet I hope it's under better circumstances."

"Next time? I don't think so."

"You're right, you look like trouble." He says making her roll her eyes.

He chuckles before spitting out profanities. They wait for at least five minutes until Mila hears the ambulance. Mila stands up swiping any dirt from her pants. The man licks his lips as the ambulance stopped at the bus stop.

They climb out pulling out the stretcher. Mila stands to the side as they load him up. His hood falls off revealing his entire face. Now being under the bright white. Mila hugs herself as she watches him go into the ambulance.

"Is that your partner, family, or friend?" One of the men asks.

Mila shakes her head. "Just a stranger."

He nods before running over to the driver's side. Soon Mila watches the ambulance drive off. She let out a deep breath. She felt awkward just sitting back down at the bus stop after she just basically saved a man's life.

Mila eats her lunch as she listens to her coworkers bicker. It was the same as every other day. Mila worked as a phone receptionist at a hospital clinic. She didn't mind her job. It was quite simple.

She just makes appointments, cancels appointments, and answers questions. It was sometimes frustrating due to the people calling in but other than that it was quite an easy job. Mila put fruit salad on the table and spin around in the rolling chair.

Mila's good friend and coworker Kate comes in and sits down at her desk in her cubicle. Mila looks at her and swats her down. Kate sigh jumping off.

"So why you're so quiet?" Kate asks.

Mila shrugs her shoulders.

"I didn't get much sleep last night. Hey, do you mind dropping me off at the hospital when we get off?"

Kate raises one of her brows.

"Why the hospital?"

"I want to check on someone. They were in some kind of accident."

"Oh, I don't mind then. Do you need a ride back?"

"No, I'll catch the bus home."

"Alright. By the way, I'm eating some of your pineapples."

"Enjoy, they're too sweet anyways." Mila sighed spinning in her chair once again.

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