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Short Chapter but I'll be posting another longer chapter literally in a couple of hours

"Trust me your wedding will be perfect," Mila assures the couple.

The two smile in reassurance as Mila turns off her tablet.

"Thank you again, Mila."

"No problem, have a nice day." Mila smiles back.

The two couples stand and leave after grabbing their belongings. Once they leave out the store a woman groans loudly. Mila chuckles as she turns around to see her. The woman was 5'6, with a slim body with pitch black hair.

With her hair down to her back and her green slender eyes, not to mention her all-black outfit, some may see her as a bit scary.

"Can you stop it? Weddings are beautiful." Mila says in between her laughs.

"I just don't get it. They're expensive."

"Which is why they come to me. Have you ever been to a wedding and it was ugly and expensive? At least I'm making it gorgeous and affordable." Mila tells her.

"Eh, I wouldn't spend my time with them. So how was the date the other day?"

Mila's body freezes up as her coworker brings up the one date she wants to forget forever. Clearing her throat, she becomes stiff as she pushes her hair to the side.

"It was okay." She lies.

"Wow, must've sucked bad. Tell me all about it." Her coworker says as she sits at the desk.

"Maybe later."

"Ugh fine. I'm going to get lunch, you're coming?"

"Nope, I'll see you in an hour."

Her coworker jumps off the desk and begins walking to the door. Mila watches her grab her purse from her desk before leaving out the building. Mila sighs as she runs her fingers through her hair.

Hearing the door open she looks up and immediately her eyes widen.

"Get out."


"I said get out." She says as she slams her tablet onto the desk.

The man stands in front of her, letting out a loud sigh. Wearing a black suit with gold jewelry, his black hair gelled back, he looked like he bathe in money. Wearing black shades to cover his dark brown eyes. Yet despite his good looks, Mila knew the risks of keep seeing him.

"I didn't know you and Ivan-"

"Did you tell him where I worked?" Mila asks crossing her arms.

"No, uh after you left he asked me what you were doing there. It didn't take him long to figure out and he beat me to a pulp." The man says in a joking mood.

She figured something bad happened to him because of the black shades. Even in her angry moods, she could never be a bad person. She felt guilty that a man got hurt by her ex. And she left him alone, she just ran. She didn't even think to call him.

"I'm sorry." She whispers as she drops her arms.

"It's fine. I just came here to uh tell you that he took my phone which has your address in it. I would've come sooner but he didn't go easy on me."

Mila groans as she grabs her tablet.

"Thank you for telling me but now you have to go, I'm going home."

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