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(Definitely needs lots of editing which I'll do later)

"You should come to visit-"

Mila scoffed as she hands Ivan the diaper bag.

"I'll be there first thing in the morning Ivan. I will be calling you tonight to check up on Remi. Have fun." Mila says as she begins to turn around.

Ivan tilts his head to the side as he stares at Mila's robe.

"Who's the guy?" Ivan asks causing her to stop in her tracks.

Mila turns around and crosses her arms over her chest. She could tell him the guy's name but then she quickly remembers what happened to the last guy she went on a date with. She quickly shake her head and fake the innocent confused look on her face.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm going to bed." Mila tells him.

"You got your hair done and hid it under your bonnet, I saw the dress that doesn't go past your thigh and you smell like perfume. Who's the guy, I would love to meet him." Ivan says as he drops the diaper bag on the floor carefully.

"Uh no, it's just a guy that would help me find more clients."

Ivan chuckles while pushing his hair to the side. "You're funny." He says in between his laughs.

"Okay fine, it's bullshit. Can you just act somewhat supportive and I don't know... not kill or hurt him. Don't even look at him." Mila insists as she begins to take off her robe.

"Why would I do that? That's not like me at all."

"Ivan seriously-"

"Go get ready," Ivan tells her.

Mila sighs as she eyes him carefully before walking away. Remi runs past Mila with her toys laughing at Ivan. Mila takes off her robe as she goes to her room. Mildly panicking over if Ivan would leave before her date show up. She slip off her bonnet revealing her hair that she curled almost perfectly.

She met him when she was going grocery shopping. His name was Philip, a handsome guy who gave her family man feels. He looked like a family man. He has dark brown hair and light green eyes. Mila knows that she chose the right guy.

Quickly, she sits down at her vanity and begins doing her makeup. Mila decided to go full out, she wanted to make the best impression on this guy. She has a good feeling about this guy.

As she applies her lipgloss she hears a guy's voice coming in from the living room. Her eyes widen as she stumbles out of her chair and quickly reaches for her bag on the bed. As she grabs the bag she rushes out of her room to find Ivan at the front door.

Ivan turns to her as her date stands outside. Mila sighed as she quickly stands beside Ivan. Clearing her throat she rubs the side of her neck.

"I'm sorry, he's the... he's my... babysitter," Mila says before she quickly pushes Ivan to the side.

"Your babysitter?"

"Yeah, let's me just get my heels and we can go." Mila smiles.

As she turns around Ivan stands in front of her. She opens up her mouth to speak but gets caught off by Ivan's lips on hers. Her eyes widen as he handcuffs the side of her neck, deepening the kiss.

She didn't expect to kiss Ivan anytime soon. Especially not in front of a date. It had been a long time since she felt his lips. She forgot how soft they were, and how they made her feel tingles throughout her whole body. If it wasn't for the shock and the guy in front of her, she would kiss him back.

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