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Part 1 Because I Love You Guys
Ps, Part 2 will be a very Mature Chapter

"I don't only come here for Remi. I like to check up on you too." Nicholas smiles at her as Mila makes them iced coffee.

Mila smiled back at her friend. Remi was out with Ivan doing whatever the two did without her. She enjoyed the peace. It was rare but almost relaxing. And since she was done with her work she had nothing else to do.

Nicholas could keep her busy for a while.

"I bet you do. How's the wife and kids?" Mila asks him.

"They're fine like usual. I think I'm going to take them out of the country for a week or two. We all deserve a break." Nicholas tells her.

"That sounds amazing. I want to go on a long break myself." Mila sighs thinking about tanning in the sunlight.

"I'll hook you up with my travel agent," Nicholas says patting his hand on hers.

Mila opens her mouth but the door opens. Remi giggles as she runs into the apartment. As she screams mommy Remi runs to her, hugging her legs.

"Dang Remi, you just going to hurt me like that?" Nicholas asks

Remi gasps before running to Nicholas. Nicholas picks her up and kisses Remi's puffy cheeks.

"You're getting fat ugly." Nicholas jokes as Remi giggles.

Mila too busy on Remi didn't notice Ivan until he close the door shut. The sound alerted both Mila and Nicholas. Nicholas turns around to see Ivan staring at him. Immediately Mila opens her mouth to speak.

"Nicholas this is Ivan. Ivan this is my long-term friend. He's like a brother to me." Mila introduces him.

"Hey, it's nice to"

Ivan walks past him and down the hall. Mila scoffs loudly as Nicholas sighs.

"I guess the baby daddy doesn't like me. Well, it's time for me to go, Remi next time I'll make sure to bring Hazel over. Bye ugly." Nicholas says carefully putting Remi down on the ground.

"Bye bye ugly." Remi smiles.

Mila walks Nicholas to her door. "I'm sorry he's such an asshole-"

"Don't worry about it. I'll talk to you later." Nicholas smiled before placing a kiss on her cheek.

"You better." Mila jokes opening the door.

Nicholas walks out waving one last time to Remi before walking away. Mila closes the door and turns around to see Remi going onto the couch grabbing the remote.

Mila sits down beside Remi and smiles.

"What did you do today gremlin?"

Mila kisses Remi on her forehead as she sleeps peacefully. Mila carefully walks out of Remi's room and goes to her room. She stops when she sees Ivan smoking a cigarette beside the open window.

"Ivan seriously no smoking in my apartment." Mila groans closing the door before the smoke can go out of the room.

Mila walks over to him to grab the cigarette and throws it out the window. "Jesus Christ Ivan-"

"Why is it that every time I'm here you're always with a fucking guy?" Ivan asks closing the window shut.

Mila looks up at them with her eyebrows raised. "Nicholas is a friend-"

"That's not what I fucking asked."

"Ivan, who are you fucking talking to?" Mila asks annoyed.

Ivan looks down at her, his eyes darkening.

"Watch your mouth-"

"I'm not three. I'm a grown woman. And as far as I know, we're not together so it's none of your business if I'm around men."

"You want to test my patience? We're together Mila if it wasn't obvious enough."

"Who said we're together?" Mila asks crossing her arms over her chest.

And just like that Ivan's eyes glare down at her. The air becomes thick with silence as they stare at one another. Ivan takes a step closer to her.

"I said we're together." He speaks first.

"I didn't say we're together." She rebuttal.

And in just a blink his hand wrapped around her neck as he pulls her closer to him.

"Don't fucking play with me Mila," Ivan told her in a low voice.

She hesitates as her eyes flicker between his eyes and his lips. Her lips trembled just a bit as he let go of her neck. She cleared her throat feeling a hot sensation throughout her body.

"Get out I'm going to bed."

"I'm staying the night." He says taking off his shirt.

"Of course you are," Mila mumbles under her breath. "Stay on your side of the bed. And don't touch me, Ivan."

Ivan scoffs loudly. "If anything you will be all over me."

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